Godwin’s Law is only a logical corollary of this type of thinking:
My late Dad's (a born and bred Englishman) description of the American revolution...
The Colonialists...they were all Brits (George Washington was a colonel in the British army) verses the English, who were mostly German Hessians.
So it was really the Brits verses the Germans..... and the Brits won....
One way to spin it I suppose....
That is fantastically ignorant ethnic disinformation, albeit typical of Perfidious Albion. And the “mostly” is a flat-out lie: The Hessians comprised only about a quarter of soldiers on the British side (much less if you also count naval forces).
There is also the small problem that a significant percentage of colonists were ethnic Germans (especially “Pennsylvania Dutch”, etc.).
The primary fighting was Englishman versus Englishman. Rebels versus Redcoats—plus a civil war waged by domestic terrorists against Loyalists.
The French intervened on the rebel side. Without French support, the insurrection would have failed. That made the rebellion more authentically French than some auxiliaries made the British government “German”.
But if you want to play your dad’s logic all the way, it was really
a war between French and Germans. The British do not exist: Q.E.D.Then go back in history to the H.R.E.—or even to the Carolingian Empire—and conclude that the French are Germans. Add the fact that Anglo-Saxons are German immigrants in Britain. The American revolution was just a bunch of Germans squabbling amongst themselves.