That f.king graph has been posted every 8 hours or so since the a couple of weeks after the last burst. Gee, I get it, a few folks heard about this 'logarithmic scale' thingy and now they think they are Albert Einstein. Sorry to burst your bubble (pun intended) but most of the people in here went to school.
Why would you post plots that are factually wrong?
Just for you, because you asked so nicely, this is the plot in the form you're more used to. The only difference between this and the update of the one you're objecting to (which was last posted a couple of weeks ago) is that this has a log scale, whereas the one further below has log-transformed data. Both are legitimate for different things, but for analysis, you'd use log transformed data.
So, same data, same fitted regression line from the data (with a snug fit), and same prediction for underlying growth. Same conclusion - unless something changed in this bubble that didn't change in the last bubble, the price has a long way down to go yet. If it pains you so much to see it now, there's a fair chance you'll be going out of your mind in the coming weeks...should be fun.
log scale
log transformed data - specially for you