of what the government does, so the experimental part is the immediate part.
It's people like you , bitcoin religious zealots that make me worry about future of bitcoin..
Largest ..... give me please some numbers and stop spreading you know what around.
but i still have to post this.
don't want to sound like a jibberish crazy btc evangelist but if you watch the history of the world over the last two hundred years, real progress was always pushed by genious inventions by single people or small groups (if it's electricity, phone, car, plane, computers, internet etc.)
And everytime people went nuts in the first years after (well today more like 3-5 years by much faster progress) and couldn't wrap their head around what the f*** they're looking at. They just knew it kinda led into the future.
But in those older times economy wasn't like today. At those times inventions rised through small local supporters with cash.
Now with big companys dictating the people to what stuff they have to adapt to has slowed down the rise of epoch-making inventions because profit is even more or at least half as important as innovation.
Only real innovations in the last years were imo completely virtual (software, social interaction etc.,), so the web is kind of keeping the old spirit alive as a playground of genious people being able to do fantastic stuff with small budget
and of which is mostly not profit-orientated in the beginning (at least until adaptation grows).
(sounds like a much better thinktank than any bigtime company with thousands of people that have to justify their inventions with marketing strategies.
bitcoin as a code wasn't developed on profit in its own sense and it's suddenly there and people try to integrate it in their world although they don't even have a clue in what ways it could be usable in the future.
sorry if that's too theoretical for this wallthread, but after watching some short docu about people on an island trading their sea shells for services and goods,
i adapted that to a globally connected society over the web and began to be fascinated.
it's just logical after being conditioned to fiat as soon as you're born it takes some time for more people
to branch some new connections in their brain.
the nearest reaction for integration of btc is to treat it like some investment and hold it like a commodity,
because there isn't a real btc market to cover their everday needs.
if somebody found gold in the USA in the old days, first they started mining it, by that more cash was flushed into the mining operations,
the profit had to be spend by local workers around that hole so soon a small economy is growing and we have a mining town.
with btc starting completely virtual, only connection to real world economy was mining operation and fiat (via exchanges).
next phase where we are present now imo is virtual market growth (use in virtual market still feels like a currency of a small community (with few market sectors) in the real world)
nearest usage for btc (as long as there were no laws for it) were in marketsectors where it's important to do anonymous transactions like drugdealing, other illegal services and money laundering
(that will be regulated at some point in the future so that at least regular john doe consumer guy can't figure out how to do it, like with fiat ).
usage as a virtual currency for virtual services (eg. for music, movies, e-books, cloudstorage etc.) is the logical step which will branch out more and more connections to realworld market.
(every vendor on the net would be happy to get cash via such fast transactions)
big companies would only be interested if it promises gain in profit.
(just look at amazoncoin, right now they see it just as possiblity to get dependancy of customers.
for them it's theoretically holding shares of their customers. market the other way around. really nice strategy)
so btc has to create its own economy until the market share becomes so big that these companies can't ignore the spending capacity anymore.
everything has to go step by step, first the code, then the mining, then some cash
and now its time for new marketsectors to catch up and someday we will be ready to stem the big guys,
so these are just some thoughts on my virtual sea shells. (when i put my ear near my wallet i can hear the numbers whispering )
ah yea and
I don't know where you're living I'm relatively sure you're not affected by ongoing crisis in any way,
don't have relatives that were scammed by banks, didn't get your bank account seized or haven't even thought about the flaws of a centralized currency in combination with a f***ed up financial system.
just keep on seeing the whole thing as some highrisk investment with real good profits perhaps you will realize the other side of the coin in the future.
kay should stop babbling...(one beer too much)
perhaps I throw out some monologue about decentralisation of currency in some hours
on with the show