I do not know what you mean by "people like me". I belive in holding bitcoin, but I believe it's only use beside silkroad is holding so that it can be exchanged later for much much more than it could have on the day of buy.
I don't know where you're living I'm relatively sure you're not affected by ongoing crisis in any way,
don't have relatives that were scammed by banks, didn't get your bank account seized or haven't even thought about the flaws of a centralized currency in combination with a f***ed up financial system.
just keep on seeing the whole thing as some highrisk investment with real good profits perhaps you will realize the other side of the coin in the future.
UK, graduating in few weeks, not affected one bit, you are right in that.
sorry for my rant, but in my state right now i couldn't understand how i registered two weeks before you considering myself a total newbie,
and suddenly feel like an oldtimer just reading your comment.
well...in the end everybody sees something different in bitcoin, and she does whatever the f*** she wants.
(most convincing thing for me that btc is up to something is reading this forum with many people contributing interesting theories and realizing new projects
while a lot of speculators stand at the side riding the waves and applauding the show)
perhaps i just got sick of being around advertising agencies and watching the big guys playing games with their customers for the last four years.
at some point i think that your fiat can behave like a vote for the right and fair business idea.
(but there is still somebody profiting in either way by printing/controlling/transmitting the fiat)
then there's still a corrupt financial system that profits in so much ways just from monopolizing moneyflow and lobbying governments creating laws in its interest.
so if i have the possiblity to vote for or against a system with the currency i use (even if it's just a small part of my wealth), I love to do that.
I'm not all in, I just see it as a support for an idea that could perhaps bring some better solution to a system that is built on decades to decades of debts crashing from time to time during a century.
(while the big game goes on and common people falling by the wayside and are f****ed up for at least one or more generations and can only stumble along in the ratrace retrying to get some decent wealth)
...back in the flow...
loved that one
back to topic...
...perhaps a nice test at 115$ over night, dump induced panic sells in the morning and see you again around 115 -120$ tomorrow evening (or one day later).
(whole market feels slow-mo and higly volatile with everybody waiting for regulation signals,low volume and some big guys shaking the trees for little profit from time to time or miners needing cash)
sorry again and I will stick to sober posting in the future (but please don't quote me on that