That depends - currently I use my own equipment. But seriously guys, the whole idea is that this would be a period of rest for me. I have worked too hard, gotten irritated, and my behavior has not been up to the par. So now I will take a rest and mind my own business in calm quietness for days, weeks or months. They will tell me when I am clear to leave. Just forget about me, until I come public again. If everybody talks about me all the time, what difference does it even make whether I am here or not??
If somebody believes that I do not even exist, there is a good way to find out. If rontus does not appear to San Fransisco airport with flight SK3713 scheduled to land at 12:20 PST (in about 30 minutes from now, though I don't know or care if it's early or late), I am probably a bullshitter. If he does, but denies being my Ambassador-at-Large, I am a joker. If however he comes with Annina, who is a tall and beautiful lady, and they both tell stories about the Haikko Summit, and express their reverence towards me who sent them there (even though I was physically detained in an institution), you just have to believe me and leave me alone. Right? Please..?
rpietila, you're a presence on the boards that's for sure, whether in person or by proxy. So please, for your own sanity, take a break and don't look at what's being written. We all look forward to hearing from you when you're well again.