You overestimate the negative sentiment the masses have on financial institutions and governments. Yes, everybody complains but most are content with what they have. It's certainly not so drastic that people will go through the incredibly difficult processes of setting up wallets, getting money into the system, buying BTC and then finding a way to spend them, which we know are far and few between.
Most are not content. How could you ever make a statement like that? We are in the top 5% or so of the world, right? I mean just being here and on a computer. And many of us, if not most, see the disparity of wealth. I'm afraid you are missing the point of BTC. You often speak of it in terms of "investing". It is a movement. It is a symbol. It is a statement. It may flop, but the seed has been planted and that is in part, why I "donate" to the cause. There is no failing in setting precident. This isn't about making money. It is about making change.
Remember in the days of AOL CD's all over the place? I was an IT guy back then and thought "Who the heck needs help setting up an account? What a joke? It is easy!" But see, we are the techy's (here). We are the leaders/early followers. We are just laying the foundation. We are analagously in the stage of going from a command line internet search (our clunky wallets) and going to Netscape Navigator (nice and easy to use wallets). Don't lose sight of the forest by staring at the tree too closely.
Not to mention, Bitcoin is becoming a bad word associated with all things criminal much faster than it's becoming some "beacon of light" as it relates to currency. It's highly volatile, it's clunky, difficult and confusing and it's absolutely vulnerable to far too many variables. Image is everything and Bitcoin is losing that battle. It's attractive to diehards and high risk investors sure, but most of them have no clue what mainstream wants because they are completely out of the loop.
Wars with words has been "their" norm. The "War on Drugs", "War on Terror", etc. But, we are collectively waking up. Associate all you like. We are waking up. It comes down to prosectution and laws and as you can see, they are trying to pull an Al Capone on us. They can't catch us, not legally anyway, so they are going for the regulations. But, most exchanges will follow regulations. VC's will start new ones that will. It will be a huge snowball effect. They are just helping us to be legit.
Bitcoin is like Napster. It has shown us the way but an "iTunes" is coming to do it right. My guess is that's Ripple. They have the advantage of being able to take the high road and separate themselves from the black market, money laundering stigmata that Bitcoin has developed, while still accepting Bitcoin as a currency. This is good for Bitcoin and it's last gasp at mass adoption. If the masses are more concerned with low transaction fees and ease of use, than they are having actual stores of wealth, the XRP will reign because an IOU will be sufficient.
Bitcoin is like torrent. Money is like Napster. Do I have to hold your hand with these basic observations. Again, this is why I see you as being manipulative. Your ability to communicate and what you say are at two different levels. It is easy to dissect your purpose here. I'm just making it easier for others to see what you are.
Overall, you are one of the most negative and fearful posters on this board. I see nothing in the way of an open mind. So, I imagine all of this is a challenge to your reality set. It sounds like being correct is more important to you than helping life to continue here on Earth. Being right is more important than taking a chance and making a statement. Sitting there watching everyone dance while you remain in shackles must be tough. But it's never too late to get up. Maybe we can't dance well, but we are trying. We are going forward, with or without you.
Dream, take a chance, do what is right, get away from the darkness and fear.