Incidentally, I had noticed some of you historical posts that have a tendency to have a tone that happens to be a wee bit less excited about our lil precious than what I feel about myself - in my own self-assessment.
I'm very excited about the technology. I'm not as excited about the red-green-dildo thingies, they're kinda incidental to why I registered on the forum (mining).
I'm least excited about Wall Street buying into Bitcoin (also ETFs and other BS), it's money for the people, not money for money bags, but the technology is such that anyone can own bitcoins so obviously money bags will have the most of it.
But, sure of course it would not be easy to judge your seemingly less enthusiasm about dee cornz without knowing more of your various personal financial and psychological circumstances - and not even that I would want to necessarily know intricate details unless maybe we happen to be in a bar shooting the shit.. and then we might get into those kinds of discussions.. you never know?
The vast majority of my corn is mined, not purchased, if that helps you understand why this whole wall observation thing is just an amusement for me
Or to be more accurate, the vast majority of corns I had were dumped and wasted in the careless 2015s, a small fraction that I still have makes me a hodler, and now that mining isn't what it used to be I turned to buying yet smaller fractions using other sources of income because why not.
By the way, it seems to me that I only name-call my fellow forum members as being too whimpy when they provide me with some level of detail in which I can hook onto it.. hahahaha looking at you Biodom..
(I cannot help myself sometimes)You, me and Biodom have a similar forum age, so in that regard, sometimes there are some abilities to frame these kinds of whimpy or not matters in terms of something like a quasi-middle of the road $50 per week DCA strategy, which
should have gotten such person somewhere in the ballpark of 22.6 BTC, but surely we all make mistakes.. and sometimes we end up having to start over.. like my own ability to ONLY get above 0.63 BTC.. but still I am not talking about me.. Instead, I have been attempting to talk about ways to attempt to measure whether even some relatively modest BTC accumulation strategies may well have ended up bringing some comfortable results.. even when mistakes happen to have been made along the way..
Well, that makes me very not whimpy, if I understand your criteria correctly LOL
Historically, it was pretty damned common for me to suggest that guys and gal just get started with DCA investing into BTC with $10 per week, and since March 2020, I have been more inclined to suggest $100 per week.. even though I understand that some folks are in economies in which they are really struggling even to come up with $10 per week extra cashflow... but we try to do what we can, and generally speaking quite a few normies with cashflow in western societies should be able to reasonably come up with $100 per week or more to invest into bitcoin.
If someone's poor economy allows them only $10, then even if the absolute result is smaller than it would be in a better economy, it's still likely to be a relatively good result for their poor (presumably lower cost of living) economy. However it has to be a truly disposable can-afford-to-lose no-risk-of-mindrusting amount of money. If someone puts $11 in but then have to dump their coins on a dip because they overextended themselves... it's no good. And if $0 is all they can afford, it should be $0.
Other than that, DCA is what 99% (being generous here assuming that at least 1% know how markets work) of people should do instead of chasing dildos. Unfortunately - not specific to Bitcoin but also quite typical to other savings types - many people fuck it up and end up poor when they could have easily afforded comfortable retirement.
goldkingcoiner is a coward, a thoughtless fool, and a stupid n00b. He rudely insults his betters
I'm still amazed at how much more of a clown you become with each post.