How to put this delicately... if a 20% drop is "big" then perhaps the certainty wasn't very certain? I mean many here hold coins they didn't sell at $69k, which is not much different from having bought at that price, and that's like a 60% drop AKA just another Wednesday.
Presumably your investment horizon is longer than a couple of months so you should just forget about the price and stop checking it every day if that affects your mood.
My investment is for the long term but I can not help feel down when I see 10000s get knocked off my investment I think this is natural to have self doubt?
1) Sounds like you have a great wife.... hodl.
2) What was your timeframe? if your retirement timeframe was not a plan to retire 2022,2023,2024..... then bro it is likely NO SWEAT at all.
3) Remember the halvening cycles, check the halvening cycles vs the price chart
4) If at all possible, set a price alert , set and forget , see where things are at run up to and post the next halvening
My investment time was beyond 2030. I have not lost hope I think people might misunderstand when I say I have doubt I have doubt because when I purchased that Bitcoin 1st I was shaking this was not because I was worried but because it was a uncontrollable reaction my body had when I made the order. When I got it in my exchange wallet I prolly checked the address 100 times before sending I even sent multiple "test" amounts to not fuck up.
my wife has been good to me she was not a fan of the idea at 1st and it took some convincing and now the price took a hit I was nervous to tell her because she does not look at it. I was expecting a meltdown but it was the opposite she reassured me by saying you were so confident before so I think we will be ok.
By the way.. in the past several months, have you continued to study into bitcoin, such as reading more or listening to podcasts? Of course, we have more and more smart-people coming into the bitcoin space, and there are all kinds of smart people in bitcoin, if you have time to study into some of the better and smarter ones, and I cease to be amazed by some of the smartness of some of the folks coming into bitcoin...
Yesterday, I heard about a 2-hour interview on Swan Signal (podcast) with Greg Foss and Max Keiser..and they both seem to be very good at understanding various macro circumstances that affect the bullish case for bitcoin, and maybe you would like to listen to their discussion?
Here's a link: one point, I had considered providing a list of the better podcasts because it surely makes a difference to be listening (or following or reading) the smarter folks... there's misinformation and bullshit marketing and scams out there too.. and even this thread is not completely free from having some folks slipping in with not so great information.. yet of course, it would still be your responsibility to be trying to sort the wheat from chaff.
I took a break because I did not want to be monitoring the price every day so I have not been active here or googling or podcasts. I have changed my opinion now because I feel reassured when people are talking about why Bitcoin will eventually be ok and I see you guys here not worrying which helps me but I will try to continue to earn Bitcoin to to make me feel better when it is going down it will give me a chance to accumulate more to.
I will give the podcast a listen and get back to you with my thoughts thanks.