just think if is goes pos and death spirals like luna/ust which had a 30k btc anchor to keep it stable.
I consider eth death sprial wrapped into a lot of btc as one of the biggest threats there is to btc.
Once again Btc takes a solid shot and much like honey badger it picks itself back up and shake it off.
FU luna/ust + 30kbtc pile of shit. please note the 30k btc refers to the anchor of btc they used to secure the pile of shit they made.
Considering their usual delays the meth heads won't activate pos soon.
But I really hope that shit crashes hard. So more people could realize that it's just another shitcoin.
Indeed, BTC will probably take a hit.
And if the meth-death-spiral coincides with the gox coins getting released, whales will probably use that as an excuse to dump the whole market.