I think the Bitcoin price may be frozen. Every time I’ve looked at it for a week now it seems to just say $97K. We need to get someone to turn it off and back on again.
Interesting. .. like a reboot.. but rebooting from the place that we are at, don't lose the last 6 blocks in the process.
It would be a terrible shame if we didn’t at least hit six digits before any major retreat.
I doubt that it would be as bad as you are making it out to be. It does seem that there is a lot of momentum to project us well above $100k, but it is still not a given.
I surely would be a bit resentful if those guys selling around $100k (or just under $100k) were able to buy back at $82k or whatever might be their target price.
I largely suspect that corrections down to $90k largely don't matter for the guys selling just below $100k, they likely want more than a 10% correction, yet they might be putting too much weight on such a correction happening, and so they likely will end up sorry for selling too much too soon... but hey, who knows? It is not a shame, either way... especially for guys mostly holding, and it seems that $100k is a BIG overly hyped SO WHAT.. .. yet at the same time, I hate to see it receive more significance than it deserves, but you cannot really stop people from tending to overly-hype round numbers.
I want to see five zeros in the BTC exchange rate.
Why does what you want matter? I know that you are not the ONLY one saying it or feeling it, yet we have largely already gotten there (within $200), so why would it make much of a difference?
I do suspect that getting through $100k will likely remove resistance for 15% to 25%.. yet who knows if $100k will become support or not. Personally, I try not to get too attached, but to enjoy whatever momentum that we have.
You know that for many of us, if we have average costs per BTC of $1k or lower, then anything that is more than 5x should feel pretty good, especially if the investment timeline is under 10 years. and yeah, sure I just went over 11 years, but thinking that so many of these higher prices are icing on the cake, and really contributes to needs to spend way less bitcoin in order to get the equivalent dollar value if the BTC price were way lower than its current price. So in speaking for myself, I continue to be amazed and adjusting to just spending some small amount of BTC, but it adds up to so much dollar value. Especially in 2015, when I had several instances of buying $100 or $200 worth of bitcoin in a day or a week (just when some extra cash came to me), and then sometimes I would be upset because I was not able to buy a whole bitcoin at a time (since the price was in the $200s), and so sometimes maybe I spent $50 to buy bitcoin and I got 0.2 BTC, and then I would think that I would have to make 5 of those similar level purchases just to get to a whole BTC... and so now days, someone might say that their groceries went up more than 3x over the past 5 years, and then I think about how I don't like the groceries going up, but the costs don't really bother me too much in the whole scheme of things in terms of my overall nestegg that had already been built with BTC that were in the $1k or less price points.
Surely there are guys who don't have BTC that are averaging $1k or less in their costs, but there are quite a few guys in this thread with BTC $10k or less or even $20k or less, and there may well be feelings of just getting to a place in which they are starting to feel good about the appreciation of their BTC holdings being 5x to 10x in profits as compared with the guy who is around $1k considering that he is ONLY 95x in profits rather than being 100x or more than 100x in profits, and to me a lot of the extra profits beyond the 5x to 10x plays out as largely icing on the cake rather than anything to get overly excited about... Yeah, some of us have already gotten to our 5x to 10x range of being in profits when bitcoin was bouncing between $5k and $10k for much of the time between late 2017 and late 2020... and thereafter, our BTC prices have never returned back to that $5k to $10k range, even though there were threats of doing so.
People still pouring money into XRP.
"....and after that I will buy Litecoin, ADA and dog wiv diarrhoea"
Top signal?
Even though a lot of seemingly dumb shit happens out there in cryptolandia, I am afraid to suggest top signal. I would not bet against the level of dumbness... just say no to playing any of those games, unless maybe you take a very small amount of your BTC holdings such as a percent or two, even though I am not going to bother. I do have a handful of shitcoins that largely just sit in some wallets that I have, and I consider them as just a kind of just-in-case some other method of transaction might come in handy... but even that seems a bit dumb for me to be holding some of them..less than 0.5% of my holdings for all shitcoins combined together.
Rumors going around on Twitter that the US government is preparing to sell 10 000 Bitcoin (which has already been transferred to Coinbase).
Scary? How strong is the source for the rumor? I suppose that there are some wallets that are suspected to be US Govt wallets? We also don't always know what they are doing merely when they are moving coins around, and other governments have done those kinds of things, or at least there had been those kinds of rumors in regards to other governmental coins too.
Funny if the US government sells 10k bitcoin, and then when Trump comes in, he has to buy them back.. hahahahahaha
I am not going to put it past any of the administrations try to fuck around with BTC prices.
If true, at least US Govt selling on the way up rather than towards our 2024 bottom as the German govt did... even though selling at sub $100k might not end up being smart, but at least it is nearly 2x higher than the German government's sale.... not that any of us really consider that government sales of BTC is necessarily a good idea in terms of government monetary policy, yet the monetary policies of a lot of governments tend to have quite a few flaws.