https://twitter.com/OzraeliAvi/status/1495163814412951552Wow, so if a Canadian peaceful protester decides to just go home, the police will still hunt you down and persecute you without cause or justification? What a dystopian, Orwellian nightmare police state that Canada has now become.
I hate to say it, but Canada is now making Commiefornia look like an ideal place to live.
And I'm sure we won't be seeing any George Floyd style protests for this poor guy or any outrage from the MSM, probably because he miraculously lived.
"We’re from the government and we’re here to keep you safe from Covid."The part that is really starting to worry me is the fact that so many Canadians (and Americans) are supporting this, and even more that the majority of people (everywhere) do not see that this is not about a protest. This is a planned action. A takeover. And it is probably just the opening act of the plan in this hemisphere.
Joe Biden famously said that the second amendment does not protect you if you are fighting the Nuclear weapon wielding US military.
What’s happened is that there have never been — if you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.
https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/06/23/remarks-by-president-biden-and-attorney-general-garland-on-gun-crime-prevention-strategy/Well, Mr. "President". You will need to send one of your jets to my home then.
Where he is wrong is the fact that some of us have decided that if it comes to it we will call that bet, and we will die fighting. I am one of those. I would rather be remembered by my descendants as someone who fought against the tyranny than as a coward that stood by as evil men tried to take control of the world.
I have begun preparing for this possibility, and will be as ready as possible. My biggest hope is that there will be members of the military and police of western democracies who will also stand up. That includes any of you three letter people reading this. And I have no desire to die or even fight, but I will. I also hope my state considers taking a stand if the time comes.
Currently, personally I have only met a very few of my GenX brethren that see it... the boomers are too busy trying to suck up as much new money as possible, and the Millennials and Zoomers are rolling out the red carpet for the communists. Hopefully it is not just my nihilist generation that is left to save the west... lol.