Is all that gobbledy gook going to help with UPpity..? because if so, you can count me "in"...
In the past day and a half or so, I was starting to develop some contentment with $49k, even though it was mostly ONLY lower $49ks and sometimes bouncing into the upper $48ks and then just in the past few hours causing less contentment by dippening into the lower $48ks which started to make me wonder whether we might not never see $49k ever again..
.. but then alas here we are in the past hour-ish gravitating back into the upper $48ks... so no need to worry about seeing $49k again, right?
Anyhow, go gobbledy gook, go.. make it so... when I refer to "it" I am trying to mean Uppity.
Well, I guess I should post random made-up gobbledy gook seeds more often.
3 cheers for the UPpity...
hip! hip! ..............................(Wo bros, in unison)... HOORAY!
hip! hip!......etc,etc
(fun fact...every time I quote Jay in full, I get millions of little red squiggly lines under lots of words in the preview, I cant imagine why....)
Happy Festivus y'all...
And don't get run over by