That is some high quality hopium, LFC! One in particular resonates with me:
This #Bitcoin dip is just the four-year cycle guys selling.
What happens when they realize the market cycle is not over?
I have outlined the idea of the 4 year cycles either reducing in (particularly downside) magnitude or going away altogether so often and so loudly that nowadays I just come here, read a little, consider posting something about that and then say "Nah.. no need to make everyone sick of me". Then I also decide (usually) not to post about OTC vs retail and how that has become a very interesting price lever. Then I merit a couple funny things, and go back into my hole.
But the above is a good brief thing, that I honestly think could be true.
Along with the fact retail are currently mesmerized by the latest big chain narrative being crammed down their throats by all the vest wearing VC assholes. My, how those narratives have morphed over the years. A pile of solutions looking for a problem. World computer. Sound money! ICOs, No, Sound money! WEB3! No sound money! No WEB3!!!
I want to take a moment to outline why Web3 is massively retarded, then I will go back into my hole.
I am a SQL hack. Self taught... have used MySQL, Postresql, MSFT Access, MariaDB and others over the years. Back in the decades when I was running a business I built an accounting server out of a hard drive, and a network appliance called a "Pogo Plug" which was sort of a proto Raspbnerry PI. It had a simple little ARM processor that could run Arch Linux. With that, Perl, and Postgresql our business recorded it's money in, and out and printed receipts for the clients that wanted them for years.
I digress. A lot. But here's another tangent!
After the business closed, I kept my website and domain name, and built a little WordPress site to house some of my own musical experiments. I used a VPS where I had to maintain all the underlying software because I am an idiot.
Recently my college age child expressed the desire to have a website to use as a portfolio. I decided to buy a little $8/yr web host Black Friday special (RackNerds) and set her up a quick skeleton of a site. I was SO IMPRESSED with how far Shared web hosting had come I decided to move my own useless website over to the same cheapo setup. Let the pros handle the server software.
Thing is I wanted to keep my website, and WordPress runs on a SQL database. Like so many sorts of web software it runs on HTML CSS, PHP and SQL. THIS FORUM is exactly that combo. In fact this little webhost lets you install "SMF" with the click of a button.
I installed WordPress with a similar button click, and the system spun up the code, and a database in the blink of an eye. THEN, on the old host I did something like
mysqldump -u cAPS-p oldsite > uselessthings.sql
THEN I came and
dropped the tables on the new webhost installation. Deleting all the mostly empty data, and replaced when by importing my dump from the old sertver.
Voila! Website up and running on the new server.
There are lots of ways to do this... but one important step, in my humble opinion, was the DELETION of data that I mention above in bolded text.
WEB3 does away with being able to delete. (*sigh*)
The mesmerized hoardes would point out: "cAPS! You wouldn't have to delete anything! You could just leave your data "in the cloud", and hook up to it from the new host! Don't you see?"
And yes. I DO see. I see one of the dumbest things I have seen in my entire life.
We are making an argument that we would like to keep an immutable record of everything we ever do with computers in an ever growing database with no ability to ever drop ANY of the data. Every mistake. Every past action. Recorded FOREVER on one of the least efficient database structures ever cooked up by humankind.
^^ That sentence gives the Web3 goobers a hard on. But it makes my soul hurt. A system designed to be an ever growing panopticon controlled by the elites.
Yes. There are SOME forms of data where immutability has some significant advantages. Bitcoin is laser focused on the primary, and most important one. I can also see how a healthcare database might benefit from blockchain.
But the Web3 idiots do not seem to realize they are effectively tearing the delete key off of their keyboards. You store it once. You store it forever. Don't worry Google, and the Chinese government will be there to keep up with all the data we create.
The vest wearing assholes are getting super excited about this. It is also a way they can shake the money out of the masses. They can paint this futurist mirage for them to see and sell them the rights to a particular arrangement of pixels and are filling up the blockchain with pictures of apes.
Forever, Laura.
And I thought the weather on BSV was bad.
Not only is a database you cannot ever delete from is only a good idea for very few use cases... but it has the potential to be used for great evil. The biggest attack on privacy in the history of the world.
Anyway... if I saw Vitalik in person I would probably spit on the ground.
That said... I Do think this "cycle" still has a surprise or two up it's sleeve. I really do think this whole thing has been a bear trap.