Sorry to post this here, but it needs to be heard. If the mods want, they can delete it or move it to Bob's thread.
Last I heard, many normal forum rules such as being on topic do not apply in these here parts..... except up to the discretion of the thread owner, which is infofront in the past 4.5 years.. or is it longer?
In other words, there is no rule in these here parts about being "off-topic"... unless you are shilling some product or shitcoin or engaging in some other forum violation.. that maybe need not be listed in my post.. who needs to give examples?
Of course, there are some members who do want to weave shitcoin discussions into their WO posts, and if the shitcoin discussions are ambiguous in terms of their somehow having some connection to bitcoin, then maybe no one is going to complain about such posts... there are some other members who engage in some other conduct that is not really liked by regular members here.. so there could be some differences of opinion regarding if some posts cross over the line of acceptable...... and I suppose since there is ONLY one thread owner, then it would be up to him to decide if he believes some post goes over the line.. or if one of us were to lobby to attempt to get him to delete some kinds of posts, which surely infofront has so far historically errored on the side of not deleting posts.. which in the end does not seem to be a bad thing.. at least so far..
It is not magic. It is science.
magic, science...if you can't shot it, it's not real. stay behind the purple fence dude!
I tend to agree with this assertion in terms of questioning some of the strict assertions regarding what happens to be science, and of course anecdotal evidence is not very strong science in and of itself.
Part of my point here, is that we cannot necessarily know in the case of AlcoHoDL's family member if the vaccine would have clearly and unambiguously reversed the outcome.
For sure in early 2020, when the covid matters were first coming out, there may well have been facts on the ground to justify extreme actions; however, part of the problems that I have been having with the passage of time has been both the shifting goal posts and the various kinds of lying that has been happening all along... so of course in the beginning, I was more than willing to give a lot of benefits of the doubt, but even if we give benefits of the doubt, we should be able to appreciate that a lot of the evidence does not add up. and there seem to be a lot of ways that this supposed epidemic is being used to take a lot of extreme actions in terms of various economic matter (and surely that relates to bitcoin), a lot of interference of social interaction matters that relates to the abilities of people to effectively seek redress of grievances or affect policies, and surely the matter of assertions of what is science and what is not science has been abused including whether there can be ways to question when the "authorities" say that certain levels of precautions are warranted.... and yeah in the beginning we did not know.. and later we are finding a lot of overkill and even overkill that continues.
Fuck the nature of a virus is that it is going to mutate.. and then there just seems to be way too much drama attached to the needs to take various additional precautions.. and yeah, I am not even claiming to know the answers.. but I really do not like being lied to.. and I do not like when proper balancing is not made in a variety of regards to policies and shutting down businesses.. fuck the various conspiracy theorists, and I surely would not prescribe to jumping to conclusions too quickly about conspiracies.. but there has developed so many areas in which we have been lied to.. that it is just ongoingly irritating for me.. including the supposed effectiveness of various vaccines.. and yeah I am not going to go on at this particular point.... except just to reiterate that the more passage of time shows more and more contradictions and areas in which we are being lied to and manipulated and there have been a lot of not good intentions that have been attached to these matters.