45 years old. 6.2 ft tall. Perfectly healthy. Never had any illnesses throughout his life. Was serving in the military (Lieutenant, O-3). As you probably know, military officers regularly undertake medical tests, and his was perfectly clean. Stationed at a weapons research facility, doing research on encrypted network protocols.
Not vaccinated (out of "principle", whatever the FUCK that means). Contracted COVID-19. Fell ill. Within a week he was in ICU. A week later he was dead. DEAD. Got that? DEAD!
A brilliant man, a great military officer and scientist, LOST due to some medieval, dark-ages, Ted Kaczynski-type ideas, circulated for-profit on the internet, claiming that vaccines, medicines, science, technology, are somehow bad for us and we should abstain from them. He leaves behind his wife and two little girls.
Sorry to post this here, but it needs to be heard. If the mods want, they can delete it or move it to Bob's thread. The pain is just too much for me right now. I just had to post this, in the hope that some "anti-vaxxers" out there read it and WAKE THE FUCK UP. I'm not talking about what I've heard, read, or dreamt, this is real life inside my own social circle.
And anyone offended by this post can go fuck themselves, thank you.
Sorry for your loss.
I'm vaccinated (3 doses) and agree with your sentiment.
What about antiviral treatments for people in your relative's case ? Did he get treated, did he not, maybe because he wasn't on the priority list since relatively young and healthy ?
Here in France where vaccination is not mandatory but almost (you can't do many things if you're not vaccinated), it turns out that many in ICU and dying are vaccinated on paper, until checks are made and it turns out they have fake vaccine passports. Or rather, real ones, where the nurse/doctor didn't make the injection and got cash to provide the proof of vaccination. To the point there is talk of allowing people to admit to this and not get prosecuted in exchange for them getting vaccinated for real.
And in any case if they get ill they should immediately admit they're not vaccinated, that way they will get an antiviral treatment, instead of doctors assuming they will probably be fine.