As far as I can tell, everyone is doing their best to get through this as well as they can and there is not enough quality data being collected to make more than an approximate estimation of the best course of action and that will vary for different people in different circumstances in any case.
... I can give you some hard data that might help inform your decisions, or any others that may be reading this that have faith in my integrity to supply sourced data
... the Pfizer vaccine 2 dose regime is 50% effective against the delta strain and wanes within 4 weeks, so you'll need a booster relatively soon with delta strain to maintain any meaningful protection
... it was only ever 95% effective against the Wuhan strain 2 weeks after second jab, it's been downhill since that nadir for the experimental gene therapies that have never been used for vaccinations previously
... in the general population about 1 in 20,000 is dying from vaccine injury per dose, so a 2 dose regime puts you at 1 in 10,000 risk of death, thus 100 people in a million are dying from mRNA jabs
... the most dangerous vax produced previously was for smallpox which killed 2 in a million so these mRNA jabs are 50 times more dangerous than the previously most dangerous jabs
... lethality from CoVID is about 1 in 1000 for people over 60 and co-morbidities (of which obesity is the major one) vit. D and zinc deficiencies are also major compounding factors ... this is a 99.8% survival rate
... lethality from CoVID is about 1 in 10,000 for people under 50 ... 99.9% survival rate with current treatments (monoclonal antibodies, zinc, dexamethadone)