Nice try kid, but... Bad Call... seriously. If you have any interest in BTC at all, you'll benefit from the Torque tid-bits that trickle through from time to time. But Hey, no biggie, we all take wrong turns from time to time.
I am surprised that WO members care about my shit posts.
If I might indulge a wee bit: "We" care because several times you said: "look at me. Look at me. Look at me." while you were posting your largely irrelevant internally contradictory phony baloney.
Testing the 47K support again. It seems that some entity is stubbornly selling despite the lack of bitcoin inflows to the spot exchanges. With each day, fewer and fewer people are caught by the fear of losing fiat money, i.e being weak hands. More and more people and institutions are realizing the power of hodling, including the miners. So, unlike 2018, any significant dip in the price is short lived and bought by people with Michael Saylor's understanding and motivation. It is true that we didn't see an exponential FOMO run this year, but still we are 14x from the local bottom in March 2019 and 7x from the median price around which Bitcoin was traded in 2018-2020. And this should make us happy, not sad. I don't know what the price will be tomorrow, next month or a year. But I know that better times are coming with more retail, institutional, governments etc. adoption. And whis will affect the price in a positive way, for sure.
Sometimes I wonder if there might some need to purge some of the froth in the various shitcoin space.. even though largely I don't give too many shits, even while acknowledging ongoing froth in those various shitcoin parts..
Such down,
So dip,
Pray to Karhu and weep.
I'm praying that my lowest buy order at $44.500 gets filled today.
All the higher ones were already hit, catching the knife
I know it is tempting.. but you should try to stop yourself from those kinds of wishenings.
For me, it is pretty rare to get to the last buy order, so the closer that we get to my last 5-10 buy orders I start to get a little bit nervous... Of course, if we had gone up for 4x or 6.5x, then maybe it is not such a BIG deal to have several corrections along the way and to attempt to balance out some of the buy orders that had been stacking up
(seemingly too much)... maybe I just have an ongoing preference for UP.. even though currently I have buy orders down to $20k, but I don't even really want anymore buy orders in the $40ks to get filled.. Of course, I am willing to tolerate such ongoing buying of BTC.. but still would prefer NOT to buy any more BTC in the $40ks.. make it stop, make it stop.. ..
Is it just me?