Are you bullish enough?
My body is ready!
I wouldn't mind either
That said, chances for the scenarios outlined above are low, imho.
First of all, money flows to bitcoin are mostly large institutions now and they are not going to go ga-ga all of a sudden.
Witness the recent 'thaw'.
I observed that the 'risk' money (most likely hedge funds like Pantera, which recently was talking about raising a 1 bil fund) burst into a couple of unnamed (here) s-t coins and they 'popped' 100% ($ billions) in the matter of days.. Retail will surely follow hedgies and trample into those, imho.
This 'game' is not for me, though, this time around.
I am happier in bitcoin. 44% a year average would be just dandy.
Additionally, planB does not give himself any kudos, imho, by making the outlandish predictions like this.
If 200K is the bottom, i would actually prefer the top to be something like 500K, instead, as $1 mil to $200k would feel like a catastrophe (especially for those who would buy close to the top). BTW, if i have to choose between planB and the power law, i would probably side more with the power law crowd, at least at this juncture.
EDIT: look at his graph: he says "bull market" and shows 6 mo of "flat red dots" this some kind of a new bull market definition? Compare this with all previous bulls indicated on his chart. I am OK for the current period to be referred as "consolidation" or "intermission" or even "accumulation".