Who could have thought so many woers/bitcoiners are in fact antivaxxers? Guys you do sound like you're from the 19th century. Science gave us BTC and so it gave us vaccines. No need to be afraid of science. Most of the poor antivaxxer guys have been brainwashed by the youtube videos and questionable news sites. Lots of people are going to die because of this.
Yes there are side effects. Every vaccine has them. Thrombosys, myocarditis etc all are extremely rare. Like really really rare 3 people out of 1 million. Vaccines are like that - somebody's child (or parent) will die a painful death. But billions will be protected from the virus. It's the price we have to pay...
So would you say we should "trust the science"?
I have two things to say about that.
1. THERE IS VERY LITTLE SCIENCE! This is why sensible people might take a position of caution about experimental drug released in haste to fight a virus with an EXTREMELY HIGH survival rate. Calling these people "anti-vaxxers" is a strawman, as is implying they are anti-science, or saying they are "afraid of science".
2. "Trust the science" (which you did not explicitly say, but was the basic message of your tone) may be the single least science-positive slogan I could imagine.
Science, by it's core ethos, DEMANDS you not trust it.
It's the old confusion of science and research.
Research takes risks, science avoids them.
I'm not antivaxx, but i feel ike mass vaccination's goal is mainly to save our sick fiat-based economy from its own faults.
I would never blame anybody for getting vaxxed.
Seems like some serious stress building within WO.
In Darwin just before Monsoon season breaks the extreme heat and humidity causes the inhabitants much grief and short tempers, they call this going troppo.
When the first storm breaks and brings some relief tempers cool people dance in the rain.
Hopefully we are soon to get that relief.
Set the controls for the heart of the sun.
You are right, and for years this has been a reliable indicator.
This is smoldering within all kind of communities and societies since the beginning of the Covid shitshow.
Worldwide, politicians fucked up, from "it's just a flu" to "billions of dead citizens" and resulting control measures, the ongoing media clusterfucks...
Now all they can do to cover their complete failing is to incite us to argue and fight against each other, which always worked in history, and so it does now.
Coronavirus management failed. Geopolitical consensus could have choked out the pandemic pretty soon, now the virus is spreading and mutating across all cultures and continents, which will make current vaccines more or less useless over time. We're always one step behind, because we didn't make the collective step ahead.
The story is far from over and vaccines are of temporary help, with yet unknown costs.