Bitcoin doing nicely while I was gone from here.
OT: Went on 2wk vacation abroad.
There is a LOT of infection going on (anecdotally based on relatives info).
Being vaxxed does not seem to make an effect on being infected, but probably has an effect on severity (hopefully).
People lost the sense of following the rules though and 50% are flaunting mask rules in public transport (subway, etc) despite (theoretically) a potential of being fined.
Those 50% are wearing the mask, but on the neck, lol
The fine is $60 equivalent-a slap on the wrist if you ask me.
Conclusion: I think that at some point almost all will get infected (in the range of 75-90%) and, hopefully, vaccines would help with reducing mortality and serious effects-that's what the main purposes should be anyway, but people would get upset by the fact that current vaccines (even the best) are not as clear-cut as we all hoped them to be.
1)I think they are a clearcut short term solution that would knock this off the map of the world if the world had a 95% vax rate.
2) I think none of us know what the long term effects of this vax will do to our bodies. It will take 10 years to find out.
3) I think more than 2 billion people will resist the vax and not get it as they fear point number 2.
4) Ten years from now I think people will still argue over this. Even thought the math will show a clear cut difference in death rates for the vaxed vs the un vaxed.
My guess was vax is smarter then no vax.
So I walked over to the barrel of guns grabbed one and played a round of russian roulette so to speak and vaxed.
I have zero problem with anti vaxers as long as they admit no vax is going to the other barrel of guns and playing russian roulette so to speak 🗣
which is the better wheel of death 💀 to play?
i hope vaxing. I want to be around in ten years to see how much my btc is worth.
I agree. I am just saddened that the 'shit' looks stronger than I thought it would be.
The main question to ask would be how soon we would adapt to it and/or 'it' to us.
Everything is quite logical. What would the virus do if you try to cordon it by masking?
Increase particle production by a f-ing 1000X and make itself quite contagious.
As far as bitcoin goes, these new developments would probably mean more monetary stimulus, even if it sound incredulous.
BTW, the fact that many red states governors (like in TX) stopped the fed $300 pandemic program would probably hurt them in the polls in 2022.
In the light of delta it was probably a political mistake, especially if feds would have to implement new economic anti-contagion measures.