I'm a hardcore pro-vaxxer and vaccinated myself (Pfizer) but in fact new variants are getting less and less deadly. More contagious, yes but less deadly. And in year or two Covid will turn into common flu...
I'm a hardcore pro-vaxxer too. Of the mRNA variety. I have a sensitivity to certain types of food (I can die if I eat them), and I was asked about this before getting the Pfizer vaccine, but I did not disclose it to the nurse, because I feared she would not allow me to get vaccinated. Of course, I had already researched about it before my appointment, and already knew it would be OK, but I didn't want to have to try to explain this to the nurse who may have ended up not allowing me to get vaccinated for safety reasons.
We are all here, communicating at the comfort of our homes, being in good health, prosperous, happy (most of us, I guess), having access to health care, education, a safe environment to work and socialize (yes, even now), having unprecedented and instant access to a gigantic database full of information (the internet), being capable of communicating with virtually every other human being on planet Earth, being able to do things that our parents and grandparents could not even dream of, ALL OF THE ABOVE, DUE TO THE ADVANCEMENTS OF TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH, in virtually all scientific fields. mRNA vaccines are among those technological advances, whether some of us want to accept it or not.
Apologies for shouting in the above paragraph, but I find it totally unfair and unethical for people to write off and disregard the benefits of all those medical and scientific advances, all those remarkable achievements that enable all of us (even the naysayers) to enjoy our lives and be healthy, prosperous and productive.
We are here because of a few smart, capable, bright inventors, scientists and engineers, throughout history and today, who spent (and are spending) countless hours in the laboratories, trying to find ways to solve problems, achieve breakthroughs, surpass obstacles and barriers never before thought possible. So, next time someone complains about Bill Gates wanting to eliminate the human race and turn us into reptiles, or 4G/5G and microchips trying to control our thoughts, I advise them to switch off their phones, cut off their internet connection (no WO!), turn off the mains power to their homes, disconnect the water supply, stop using their cars, and try to survive like this for a week. Then they can re-evaluate their stance of technology and how "evil" they think it is.
I'm not saying there are no conspiracies, or that there is no evil in this world, but I'm totally fed up with all those tin-foil hatters worrying about every single thing that technology brings to us. Nothing good comes out of their mouths. It's all evil, all bad for us, all part of a grand scheme by the evil rulers of the world to make us zombified robots obeying their every command. I know a few of those tin-foil hatters (some are relatives), and it just saddens me to see them suffering and limiting their potential, by deluding themselves and believing every single conspiracy theory they read about on the net. Just yesterday, a relative I met tried to put coins on my body because she heard that those vaccinated with mRNA vaccines have become magnetic! She was serious! Holy fugging crap! Funny thing is, the coins she tried to use on me were not ferromagnetic (they don't even get attracted by real magnets). Man, it's just so sad...