The white paper is always brought up. And Satoshi had not anticipated ASICS (who knows if that later Satoshi email is real where "he" talks about exactly that) and that changed EVERYTHING. It made the idea of the "validation node" important. Vitally important. We discovered by this tech that between hashing, and consensus validation the latter *might* be more important, though they go deeply hand in hand.
Many would have been happy with cautious size increases. There's no real justification behind the 1MB (as would be expected from it being implemented as an anti-DOS measure when blocks were tiny) and the theoretical maximum while still maintaining your goals is much higher than that.
I'd advise not getting wrapped up in Raspberry Pis. They are cool devices and I own many but they are not optimal for this kind of service by any means. They are radically underpowered and even within the realms of SBCs, there are more powerful options available. It's not a binary choice between cell phone processors from the early 2010s and supercomputers in datacenters.
I also disagree with the usefulness of "validation nodes". They don't have zero value but they're not as useful as people think and they're certainly not worth crippling the network for just so people can run them on sub-par hardware. If your security is worth $40 per transaction, it's certainly worth more than a $40 computer.
I am among those who thinks reasonable blocksize increases would be a good thing. I actually pointed out in the taproot activation thread here that the unsung best part of that being done well is it proves that Bitcoin can govern itself better than many had feared after the 2017 fight. And I even mentioned that this (though a much more popular change) gave me hope that some day we could revisit block size increases as well.
As to nodes on RPis etc. I agree it is a silly arbitrary measure to make that what we should be able to run a node on, although I do run a Pi 4, which it must be said is not a terribly under powered SBC, and is a requirement if you want to run a node, as anything below that cannot validate the chain fast enough to be useful.
But you bring up cell phone processors. I think in some ways that is a more important measure. Things like SPV, and neutrino are important ways to bring trust minimized validation to handheld computers, and i think in those regards we are going the right direction.
I think all the Luke Dashjr type "BLOCKS NEED TO BE SMALLER" arguments are misguided and do us harm. I think Luke is a trainwreck as a person who takes a very extreme view on EVERYTHING. The current Pope is an antichrist, the blocks are too big, we need to wear gas masks to keep from getting covid etc. That combined with the dick measuring contest that the dark side of BTC Maxi culture brings us, and the small block ethos gets more attention than I think it needs.
I wish we had Hal with us still. I feel like he would have some really good stuff to say about all this. In fact I would trust him more than Satoshi himself, who I do not think quite had the long view or wisdom of the former. Maybe it's better they are both currently silent (here's to cryogenics?
I do think validation is perhaps more important than you do. I do not want to trust that job to a small number of servers. But I think we could raise the bar quite a bit before we get into trouble there. I just want to make sure we avoid a "Davos" of Bitcoin forming. Some place where the powerful nodes all gather and decide one day that it is in the best interest of mankind to mint another 21mm, and for our trouble we will split a simple 1mm amongst ourselves to cover costs, of course.
Every human endeavor has become corrupted that way eventually. The longer we can keep that from happening to Bitcoin the better. And I do understand that the big-blockers see small blocks as a bank takeover. I just don't see that. Banks don't need small blocks to remain necessary.
Perhaps a benefit of having a programmer background rather than a trader, whenever feeling doubts about Bitcoin regarding functionality I look at the
source code, specifically
latest commits to get a sense of what's going on. Sure, developers can go nuts (most of us are in some way), but as taught early on based on what pioneers (miners, testers, API enthusiasts, etc.) wrote in this forum (when it was still; if the core developers got a crazy idea we just refused to upgrade the Bitcoin clients, or kept personal forks with whatever selection we liked, as long as core protocol still worked, this tradition of "opposing change" eventually spawned into the BIP system and agreement process used these days. If the core developers really disagree internally, we get a fork where client version usage on the network eventually dictates the outcome (like the Bitcoin Cash fork).
Regarding ASIC mining, I have fond memories of
backing Butterfly labs in 2013 even when most users in this forum had doubts, they eventually pulled through producing the first ASIC ever made after several delays, though the controversy was wild to say the least. I wasn't just a miner back then, had an online shop selling modchips for game consoles
accepting Bitcoin since 2011 (so it wasn't just alpaca socks).