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It's clear the honey-badger is still the honey-badger and now it remains to be seen how it deals with capacity issues (I am obviously not as optimistic for LN as you are).
I doubt that "capacity issues" are as BIG and detrimental as you and the various dweeb twat BIG blockers had been making them out to be. Some of that conversation about its not going to work and have to prepare our selves in advance blah blah had been and continue to be disingenuine nonsense to suggest that there is a need for a jumbo 747 to haul two passengers because some day there are going to be more passengers.. blah blah blah.
Seems way more practical to let the organic back and forth play out, including incentives for a fee market, and surely ability for easy propagation and transmission over unreliable networks and regular normie and poor peeps to validate the whole network remain quite important, rather than getting maniacally focused on dumb-ass overly-simplified purported and disingenuine solutions as if BIG blocks were ever really going to solve all the problems or needs for tweaking the system along the way without just creating a bloated attack vector rather than bringing actual utility and power to the peeps.. which bitcoin already does and likely will continue to do because it remains a people's network... rather than buying into some kind of BIG blocker nonsense and the various baggage that goes along with that either historical disingenuineness of the subject or even current ongoing attempts to bring up such already rebutted nonsense.
Just of note, I tend to deliberately keep that argument out of here.
Yep.. pretty lame richy_t... you seem smarter than that, but whatever.. your continuing on and on with such lame talking point seems a bit ridiculous.
It's not really relevant and tends to upset the natives.
It's called trolling when you do that.
I'll usually only bring it in where I think it's directly relevant and then only in relation to BTC itself (i.e. I'll discuss capacity but not in relation to other coins which have addressed it).
Who cares about other coins? It is largely irrelevant because none of them are even close to having the same kind of transactional traffic and ongoing usage like bitcoin... so it largely seems irrelevant to assess some other nonsense coin that claims to have resolved the scaling problem, but then it has neither traffic nor ongoing attacks or other balances of adoption that bitcoin has.. so what's the point of making false comparisons except to just go on about gobble-dee-gook talking points that you already admit to largely being irrelevant (unless of course, if you might have some way to try to tie such topics into bitcoin with some kind of meaningful or relevant discussion rather than just spouting out bullshit like you say that you like to do in order to "rile the natives.")
And Satoshi had not anticipated ASICS (who knows if that later Satoshi email is real where "he" talks about exactly that) and that changed EVERYTHING. It made the idea of the "validation node" important. Vitally important. We discovered by this tech that between hashing, and consensus validation the latter *might* be more important, though they go deeply hand in hand.
Maybe you should provide a link, cAPSLOCK, if you believe that either there is something important and relevant that satoshi supposedly said.. From what I recall, Satoshi disappeared around late 2010, but a lot of the BIG blocker disingenuine nonsense started to get worked up in late 2015 so it increasingly ramped up in the next couple of years without really going away completely even though it should have been clear that not ONLY was the issue resolved in such a way to show the BIG BLOCKERs as largely disingenuine retards, but also current BTC development is ongoingly finding balance in onchain and offchain transactions including having goals of having some of the fee market to develop around this matter to help to inform if there might be needs for tweaks that go above and beyond ongoing tweaks that are happening.
Anyway, i welcome discussing this, and would take part in another thread if it should not happen here.
Seems like a topic for another thread. We have beat that topic to death so much over the years, and I hardly see what good comes from talking about such topic that you continue to believe as relevant, including your attempt to insert it into relevancy in the taproot activation thread.
I recall that you have always a bit more of a stiffy (relatively speaking) when it comes to believing that there is some kind of need to plan ahead for increases in BTC usage and concerns that both first layer solutions are not sufficiently anticipating increases in BTC usage (including perhaps disagreeing with having onchain fees that attempt to adapt to how quickly transactions might go through) and that various second layer solutions are not going to be enough to handle anticipated increases in BTC usage.. blah blah blah.
JJG 579188
I recently had my first physical exam as it had been a while, and I'm getting older...
Aren't we all getting older?
Among the many things we discussed was his preoccupation with our HUGE problem with various elites (esp. .gov) LYING about so much. He was very disheartened, and it's not just goobermint, it's so much else. Well, yeah, Doc. A Culture of Lies. Ugh.
You may have to go have a beer (or maybe a cigarrette) with your doc.
It's quite difficult to really explore topics in such a short conversation, and sometimes the blame on the government might be misplaced, even though for sure medical doctors have so many issues with standards of care compliance that even take away from their abilities to really exercise very much discretion - which likely frustrates them on a daily basis.. but then they learn to live with it... so sure, is that a blame the government issue? Perhaps.
Our conversation crystallized something for me. I believe even less what I am told, especially by the MSM, .gov officials, Banksters, etc.
Of course, any of us are going to gain some level of empowerment by not relying too much on experts and having some knowledge of various topics whether we are talking with our mechanic or our accountant, and many of us might either not know where to start in terms of trying to learn about so many topics, and sometimes we do not have access to good information, either, so of course, if we are able to develop good critical thinking skills, that would be very helpful, but frequently we also come across a lot of people in the real world who think that they have good critical thinking skills, but instead of following one dweeb, they follow another, and it is not easy to think for your self or to bank for yourself, and surely there may be some needs to attempt to balance and to learn along the way.. and then sometimes, you just gotta admit that you have to rely on others for some things (representations of facts, logic and sometimes conclusions, too).
But, my Dr. sure ain't perfect, even with the points we discussed. He refused to give Rx's for Ivermectin and HCQ. We're vaccinated, but we know MOAR pandemics are coming. Yet he would not allow me to get them (and yes I know that they may not work, but that ought to be my decision). Grrr...
Of course, sometimes we are overly protected, but it is not easy to figure out a kind of proper balance. I am not sure if we would want to live in a world without doctors who are able to advise and maybe keep people away from certain drugs without a prescription, but sure there are likely some drugs that should not require a prescription.. .. and sometimes if drugs are newer, they might have more restrictions than drugs that have been around longer.. so there is likely balance there, too.. .