I was on the verge of further selling a bit, but i have no idea how to spend the fiat, and i don't need money for finishing my house, yet.
Of course, if you have a specific expense in mind, then it does not hurt to shave a bit of BTC off on the way up, because it could become problematic, if the time comes to spend the money on the house, for example, and you have not adequately prepared for making sure that you have enough money because BTC prices dropped to below they had been when you could have shaved a bit off.
So sure, I am do not have details about what you have in mind, but if you specifically have such expense in 6-12 months, then you could consider shaving off 20% of the expense now.. and then just waiting in regards to what to do for the other 80%..
In my humble bumble opinion, such 20% shaving would be better than 0% shaving and just waiting it out.. of course, if your house expense might get deferred for a couple of years without anyone getting upset with you because of your gambling addiction, then sure, maybe you could merely wait it out without taking any reasonable/prudent shaving actions..
Another thing is that we do have a decent number of models that suggest that our current cycle is likely to last at least through this calendar year, but sure we also have decent models that reasonably suggest that we could end up with a 2013 style double top rather than a single top, and sure either scenario is possible, including some scenarios that end up causing our current price location to be the top rather than later down the road.. so you are likely in a better place than me, when I was planning expenses in the beginning of 2018 that ended up coming due.. more or less at the end of 2018 at a relatively inconvenient time, as many of us likely realize after the fact and likely even realized during (or immediately before) such late 2018 happenings.
Pumpin' for 57 it seems.
8.5% increase in entire crypto market since yesterday.
1 trillion in BTC is nothing yet.
In these here parts, we do not measure the "entire crypto market" because 1) we hardly give any shits about some kind of apparent "entire" blah blah blah.. and 2) we tend to have preferences to not get mislead by bullshit idea-ers (such as the cave-dwellers in the cave allegory) when focusing what king daddy is doing or might do.
Sure you might consider what is going on in areas outside of bitcoin and related to bitcoin blah blah blah.. but it remains a bad practice to present such broader ideas as if they were somehow helpful in understanding dee king.
By the way, new ATH spotted while I was writing the second part of this here post, and $58,000 touched upon within the past few seconds.. while typening... of course, expecting such $58k to be broken soon.