Now everyone will stay at their homes in the hope that things get under control asap and maybe there won't be needed an extension of the full lockdown after this 15 days pass.
Hi bitserve, to do it well, apart from closing bars, restaurants, gyms, cinemas, restaurants, yesterday, when the alert plan was announced, and the president said that "everyone stays at home", it is useless.
If you force a part of the country to shut yourself up at home, but the president says:
That people can go to their jobs on Monday, the contagion will inevitably continue to increase, he is stupid.
Spain as always, making a fool of itself due to its political leaders.
I hope that we can overcome this crisis without reaching extreme situations.
I think when he says people can go to their jobs on monday he means somewhat critical jobs or ones not open to the general public... most business have already shut down or slowed down themselves. You can't just shut it down EVERYTHING.
People know they should stay at their homes already. If there is some business that keep running it is probably because they NEED to... so I wouldn't force them to completely shut down unless strictly necessary (ie: after we get some results/stats about the success of this first preventive lockdown).
Business that should be kept running (even if at reduced capacity and with safety procedures):
- Health: Pharmacies, Hospitals, distributions, factories/producers, etc
- Food: Supermarkets, distribution, producers, etc...
- Telco ....
- Energy
- Oil/Gas station
- Security, police, military...
- Construction/maintenance (in some cases)
- Vets
- ....
There are lots of sectors that can not and should not shut down because we rely on them.