Just in time to arrive in the USA and such and no one will be in the stores to buy these.
Timing it seems worldwide on many things from BTC/Crypto to whatever is in a conspiracy to befuddle us all it seems.
round and round and round in the same place for a bit, it seems.... looks around in same place if not backslid...sheesh
befuddlement will bring the world together
Stores in the U.S. are normal or packed with hoarders rn, but either way, think Amazon delivery buddy.
Searing, I know you sort of revel in worry and anxiety in general but you still hodl on regardless which is admirable. However in times like this perhaps a little positive outlook would be good for the morale of the newbs if you can muster that up. Just a thought.
Not negative IMHO, but pragmatic....I'm just saying as of the timing now the bottleneck eases in China it likely will happen at our end. But that is the timing of 'black swan' events
I gather a particular and unlikely combination of factors in the most unexpected and usually dire of directions.
As to moral boosting, assuming that BTC/Crypto MAY act as more of a speculative asset than store of value kinda thing, at least for a bit. If the Fed is dumping as they say on this Monday,
additional stimulus, as within the last week, a total combined of $2.5 Trillion dollars to stimulate the economy.
Well other countries, with how can I say this, with less of a stellar lookout for their own citizens may stop or
halt bank withdrawals and such as happened in Cyprus back in (2013?) I think.
Authoritarian leaning or more than leaning countries will start to print money on a scale likely even worse than the USA with the
corresponding inflation, loan and credit card interest rates may explode. Which is such developing countries could/would be catastrophic!
If this acts on a damper on how they use their money, the inflation rate of the particular countries' money explodes, limits on bank withdrawals, etc, etc.
If such DOES happen, then Plan B that is BTC/Crypto MAY again acts as a store of value. What we have seen so far is just temporary.
Indeed, you could say, from an 'emergency' point of view BTC/Crypto has acted 'exactly' as it should in this pandemic crisis.
You need fast 24hr cash in a falling market that you can move across borders instantly to
fill up your emergency fund for 'real-life issues'. Like most of us, even in countries better off, not enough of a personal emergency fund coming out of the blue, black swan event that it is.
Now that this has passed and people start to look at the results of what they may have had to do as individuals to get through this, be it gov't or individuals and
look at the debt and other things (unfortunately, likely needed to do fast for a stable society and economy..even if you were only tossing $$$ at the problems)
you may have to do in this pandemic. I mean it is a frigging Black Swan Event, almost everyone believes that is the case. So now you stop and think about what are the costs?
Is BTC/Crypto an alternative? Is this method now indeed both a speculative asset for quick emergencies as we have seen as well as an eventual alternative store of value to boot?
In a couple of months, BTC/Crypto may indeed look very good in the aftermath of all this pandemic and its 'black swan' flavoring.
But IMHO, this will be BTC/Crypto's moment of truth on if it is indeed a speculative asset only and like others and may come back due with modest adoption
but really is like other speculative assets take years to do so...so BTC/Crypto proven in this trial by fire, NOT to be a store of value. Just another speculative asset.
Or it does have some aspects as a store of value in a world that seems likely to have a lot of debt/credit to pull itself back into some kinda normalcy, especially, in developing countries?
So, kinda sad I have to go the route, a major frigging disaster of epic proportions, to frigging tell, if BTC/Crypto to thrive, and act like both an emergency quick action 24/7 ATM for major
emergencies as we have seen. But also FINALLY prove to be a legit major store of value, when things settle down and the reality of economic costs come into play.
IMHO, BTC/Crypto was always the backstop against a black swan event like we are seeing now. This 'supposedly' is why I got into this and (mostly) in full HODL mode.
But again will BTC/Crypto rise to the occasion? Looks like this year of 2020 is when we are going to discover this.
Anyway, why I HODL, even though I like to play and game 'what if' senarios probably too much.
But man, I never saw this one coming in the manner that it has, that is for sure! Thus the universal view of this pandemic and unexpected results of every-one of this as
a black swan event.
anyway, for what it is worth