Belgians are far from responsible, just look at the country - it's literally been torn in half! While most of the population can't even speak their own native languages and have to resort to English it's embarrassing. None of the lack of responsibility surprises me. That said, I hope your not a Flemmish nationalist otherwise I'm gonna get negged
The Dude is a hardcore Flemmish, please separate us from the French part
Just checked my trust page, think I got away with that. Was worried for a moment. I've been punched for less here
Daaaaamn Paashaas forgot something on his update...
Belgium all places like bars and resto's are closed, Holland they are still open...
For reference sake, from where I'm based, they are
only "closed" to the public, not contractors for example. Most restaurants remain open for takeaways (90%), chip shops and takeaway places seem to be completely ignoring the regulation (or unaffected by it) and are still welcoming in the public . The public seem to able to stand in these places, but not sit down (or consume food), or use the toilet to wash their hands (from the sink)
Maybe the capital or Wallonia is bureaucratically different though.
Naaah most resto's are very affected, they can't live on some take away, maybe some Italian pizza/pasta resto can, but like the more fancy resto's impossible, they will go through hell of a time, just as my local gym.... Also hell of a time...
I'm lucky, found a good resto for coming Friday, sleep over and private dining is still OK
Antwerp city is a ghost town as well at the moment.... Resto owners are royally F***ed at this time...
I don't know if this is the correct term for the vegetable "Hop shoots"?? But the farmers working a year and only these 4 weeks they can sell them to resto's... but non is open and don't wanna buy them of-course...
Don't get me wrong all the restaurants are screwed for income for sure, wasn't arguing that. Hence the "only" being in italics, but obviously didn't reference this relevance. My point was that they're not closed, even if they're losing money now. You're right that the more takeaway places appear fine, appreciating the extra income right now it seems, but it's coming
at from the expensive of the fancy resto's for sure. They aren't happy about it all. Hadn't considered the knock-on effect for the farmers (naively), good point, they will also be screwed over. I work in the food industry at the moment so I hear a lot of feedback, restaurants are stressed af at the moment.
Fortunately my gym is the great outdoors, so I still get my 250km cycling a week done
Still can't find any rebellious corona parties though, might have to go to NL haha.