His daughter updates us on his state of health.
Why she doesn't need a shirt to do so is perhaps a question for another time.
Especially as this may be pretty raw and relevant for one of our popular temporarily absent bros.
There are two possibilities; my favourite is that she can't wear a shirt as the seams would aggravate her undiagnosed SPD. The other being that clothes dryers are quite uncommon in Russia and her dad couldn't wait any longer for her to read his script on YouTube without taking more clonazepam.
This is mind-boggling. Now he'll have to amend his 12 Rules for Life publication.
13. Don't rely on clonazepam when dealing with life issues (I'm calling bullshit on his use of clonazepam as a treatment for food allergies - I watched him on Joe Rogan saying it was simply a change of diet prescribed by his daughter)
"Peterson’s own symptoms included severe fatigue, gum disease, psoriasis, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), chronic snoring and difficulty sleeping at night. That was until, thanks to his daughter’s own success and encouragement, he made changes to his nutrition and shifted to a low carb high fat diet. Since then, Peterson has experienced significant weight loss and all his previous symptoms have subsided."
Oh, he forgot to mention... and clonazepam.
14. Make sure you have a daughter [who also almost died, having been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at age 7, and walked around with two broken legs for nearly a year, had hip and ankle replacements in her teens, coupled with “extreme fatigue, depression and anxiety, brain fog, and sleep problems", who in fifth grade was diagnosed with depression, and then later something called idiopathic hypersomnia (which translates to English as “sleeping too much, of unclear cause” - which translates further to sorry we really don’t know what’s going on)] who can man-up1 and get you to Russia where the doctors "have the guts" to treat your self-inflicted addiction you prevaricating fuck. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLF29w6YqXs
15. Maybe don't procreate if you bought this book.
This is not a person who should be giving advice to anyone and yet, somehow, this best-selling author is a clinical psychologist and a professor of Psychology whose main areas of study are in abnormal, social, and personality psychology, with a particular interest in the psychology of religious and ideological belief and the assessment and improvement of personality and performance.
For his own well-being, he should stay in Russian and actually learn how to live and deal with adversity.
1 Turns out it was her Russian husband's doing