To claim men and women are the same or equal is utterly hilarious when they're not remotely similar. To know the mind of a woman is to know the mind of a prostitute. They're generally "takers" by nature, looking solely for an asymmetric relationship that favors themselves. This is why men get along and women don't. You can't have two prostitutes standing on the same street corner, it just doesn't work. Two men can collaborate on building something together even in a zero sum game because they can work out a 50/50 split. Such a split is considered offensive to a woman. Utilitarianism is a completely alien concept to them.
WTF did I just read ?
Do you actually believe this ?
That is some far out fubar shit brother! Can't help but think you have been exposed to the wrong sorta women - or have been a doormat or been badly burnt by one/several/all of the women in your life?
He is actually right... 9 out of 10 women that I know... are exactly like he said! ... Women in their nature... because of the history context, of them being leverage for aliens, they where trade slaves or a commodity for us to bargain our existence on this planet with the invader alliens!
Their mentality is something similar to cats... because someone else needs to take care of them!
Because it is in their genetic matter to be a commodity, a good, a house pet!
WTF? That's some twisted bullshit. Very disgusting you think like that. Cats are *perfect genetic machines* that don't need anyone else to take care of them. They can tolerate it and even enjoy human interaction up to some degree though.