Even Noah will tell you, I don't deserve even half the rumors people spew about me. I haven't colluded with anyone, I haven't done anything to anyone. I don't scam, I don't steal, I don't lie and I don't hurt people. The worst thing I have ever done is be mouthy in a chatroom. Imagine going somewhere looking for help and having strangers tell people not to help you in the shadows. I guarantee the people you spoke to have never had a conversation with me. You being biased makes no sense. I have done nothing but answer every question you've asked me to. I have no idea why you are showing me that section of the TOS as if you know something I don't but I would ask you to show proof of what you are talking about instead of convicting me of a crime I don't even know about. I haven't done anything to deserve this. You asked me to prove that Noah and Cam knew where I lived, I did that. Why does that suddenly not matter anymore? The fake ID was a stupid decision but this punishment was decided long before I made it.
I just need to say I'm disappointed with how this conversation has evolved. For someone with an extensive history of handling disputes, I'm surprised at how quickly unsubstantiated whispers from "high-rollers and prominent members" were allowed to influence the discussion without any attempt to verify the claims or hear my perspective at all.
When I provided concrete evidence about my situation and confirmation from actual players like Simba, they were replaced with vague comments about "inappropriate" behavior from unnamed sources. The fact that these accusations were accepted without any request for evidence, while my documented proof was repeatedly questioned, is what makes all of this far from an impartial mediation.
The main issues about selective rule enforcement, my earned commissions, and Shuffle's weaponization of KYC have been brushed aside and dismissed because of unproven rumors. I've been nothing but transparent and admitted to my mistakes yet I still haven't even been given the decency of having allegations about me substantiated before they're accepted as fact.
A fair mediator should require evidence for all claims, not just from one side. The willingness to accept unverified tabloid gossip behind closed doors is what made this an unfair fight from the start. Pretend this entire situation was happening to a well liked man from this forum and tell me how different this conversation would have gone. It's all about optics, the TOS are enforceable and concrete when the player is a skank who deserves to be knocked down a few levels... but if the player is well respected, the TOS are conveniently flexible. You can see it clearly in how Shuffle streamers from restricted territories are allowed to stream, how high volume players from restricted territories continue to wager millions, how there's an official presence in restricted territories (Japan.) When someone is named undesirable, the TOS becomes an unbeatable shield, but for others, it's remarkably flexible.
My location suddenly became an urgent compliance issue. The same TOS that are being used to justify withholding my earned and future commissions don't seem to apply to any of those other situations, why? Because those rules have nothing to do with what is happening here.
My documented evidence was scrutinized while rumors became fact and thanks was even given to the courageous tipsters for gossiping in the shadows. Noah has let the mob mentality do his dirty work in this forum. All he had to do was say a few words, and wait.
Perhaps it's just me, but I gave both posts three times throughout the day to ensure I am not influenced by certain mood, and yet I keep feeling it's worded and steered toward certain direction, especially as the things conveyed on both paragraph has been explained more than once. The situation and clarification has been made, yet the narrative wrote as if the passage never read. So, let's tidy up and steer the matter back into the original narrative and make things simple, shall we?
These very long wall of text are talking in summary-style instead of replying word-for-word. I can do that if you want me to, this is not my first dance, after all, but I think this is the better approach.
Of, "having strangers tell people not to help you in the shadows"Yet I am here, am I not? Trying to get things done, offering a way for parties involved to find a middle ground? And what do I get? Being called... well, what's written in both paragraphs above.
Of a Fair Mediator requiring evidence for all claim, from all sideAs stated, this is the purpose why I mentioned at the beginning of the thread that I will be looking for Noah's direct contact, for more seamless communication as casino rep has a repu of being rather hard to hold because they're not online 24/7. And I've assured that Noah is being questioned, I said and I quote myself, "
I believe people can easily infer that I asked and nitpicked Noah through that direct contact. Afterall, I did say that I am looking for his contact for a seamless communication." so yeah, evidence findings are done from both sides.
Unfortunately, general consensus of this forum and how it works regarding personal message, direct message, and other means of communication is to prefer them to be remains for the eyes of the people in communication [this is also the main reason why I always prefer to have every discussion in public, to stay transparent and keep certain narrative away from anyone mulling over mud-ball]. Yet, I believe these part can be shared safely, under argument that
these are my messages, so I did not violate my counterpart's privacy:
Granted, it's near incomprehensible as many parts were censored and it's a very short snippets, but that is due the nature of the conversation, a work in progress in me questioning Noah with my own series of questions that I don't think will be good if the other party learned about what he said as his defense.
Those, though, should enough to prove that I inquire to both parties, simultaneously.
Of a clause in ToS that I brushed in post scriptI wanted to mark the part I am referring to in red box, as I usually did, but I didn't do that as I thought all the people who read the screenshot understood what I am referring to. So, to be clear, it's this passage, "
You will not disseminate any information which is unlawful, harassing, abusive, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, racially or ethnically objectionable, pornographic or profane, or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offence or could give rise to civil liability;".
And to be painfully clear, it's this part of the passage, "[...] Harassing, abusive, [...], inflammatory, [...] or profane. [...]" of which, summarized, toxic.
Why do I brought that matter?
As I said [as a post-script] while I roam through their ToS, I found out that "being toxic" [to be clear and as a disclaimer, this is a blanket term to the passage depicted above it, to simplify matters] is considered as a breach of ToS. And I think, other than the reason you got banned from chatroom, that's probably why they require you to do KYC.
Granted, I don't think I've ever mediate people who got banned for being... outspoken. But that's probably a contributing matter. It is meant to be a side note, something to discuss, that you probably were considered breaching their ToS with that clause. And yet, after several explanation, you still insist on placing it as a vocal point.
Of whispers and tabloid gossips behind closed doorsIs it?
From where I stand, with my very own personal opinion as I read the posts three times [to be unnecessarily detail, all were when I am in a bright mood], I can see the tendency. As, to be blunt, the sign of being toxic and inflammatory are there. You've been explained about the purpose of that passage, and you wrote
two, not one, whole different narrative to... what? Lead people to think that I am biased? Or what? I am giving you a benefit of doubts right here right now, you previously said that [inferred] I should verify claims and ask for clarifications, so what's the purpose of those posts that [according to the impression I get] pain me as biased?
yet again, is it? Tabloid gossips?Your own screenshots:
How likely is it strangers on the internet and the keyboard warriors all over the world [who happen to be in Shuffle's chatroom] suddenly thought the same and come into same conclusion and go with united front? On more than one occasions?
Fact that I am not sure I get from Noah or being discussed here: you got plenty chat bans for toxic behaviors, warned about five times that if you continue on, you'll get permaban, and finally, the ban hammer hit when you abuse another player.
feel free to confirm or deny, I'll ask proof of these warnings from Noah suppose you denied it, just to be sure I
verify everything.
this, dated 4th May, it should rather be outdated as the explanation I got succeeded the message on that date.
So, is it?
One thing that might worth to mull, not just here, but also for your IRL [and no, this is not a personal attack, this is sincerely coming as a piece of advice]: if a lot of people think you're toxic and you provoke a lot of people very easily, maybe that's not you being defensive and wrongly accused, maybe it's time to do a self-reflection... unless you're with NPD. In that case, there's nothing further to talk about.
Of why suddenly the Nebraska became irrelevant?As stated, during my exhausted situation yesterday, my mind entered simple-mode. It disregards complex things and digest the very basic of situation. It broke down things I tried to know and inquire from both parties, as they suddenly no longer relevant.
You falsified KYCThat's the end of the story.
Suffice to say, your case ended before it even began. Why? Ask yourself. No, ask anyone else, really, what'll happen when you bring this to CG or AG or any mediator, or perhaps their licensor [once they're fully operational] and after the narrative from your side, be it long or short, Shuffle's answer is simply, "she falsified KYC".
You forged govt. ID. Last I check, that's a class IV felony in Nebraska.
So yeah, no other matters relevant anymore. You were caught falsifying your KYC that instantly broke ToS that entitles them to terminate your account and confiscate everything. Of which they did. That's the end of the story.
If Shuffle is as corrupt as you described, your best approach was not to create this thread nor to submit a forged ID. It's to reach them and make a deal with them [according to the narrative, they're corrupt, after all] negotiate a term and how you could pass the KYC check.
And things would be far easier if the staff that are close to you already know you're from Nebraska. They'll collude with you [remember, the theory being amused on this paragraph is that the company is corrupt], they'll cover for you.
Instead, you submit fake KYC. And that is where the case closed. Not only you're caught red-handed breaking their ToS, you're entitled to answer to class IV felony.
Shouldn't the matter ended right then and there with the fake ID being submitted? Should whether Noah and Cam already know you're US citizen all this time still matter? Well yes, technically, it mattered, if you approached them and appeal for some leniency for being a user with US citizenship, but that option is out of the window when the KYC being submitted. Is it still worth being scrutinized?
IMO, no.
Of... thusAs proposed, the best thing right now is to close that chapter. You made a terrible terrible mistake forging ID. To be completely redundant, I'll repeat, bring this to any arbitration body, and I tend to believe the instance fake KYC being introduced to the table, the case is sealed. Be it you or other players, be it shuffle or other casinos.
I'll try to see if I can get Shuffle to liquidate whatever entitled to you [again, no promises].
Otherwise, if you still see me as biased, incompetent mediator, or whatever innuendo you tried to convey with your latest posts, I'll do us all a favor and withdrawn myself from this.
One gigantic note: I am not benefited at any degree from this case. Instead, I spent resources: time, contacts, mind-power to draft and make references and crosscheck things, my migraine pills, and well blood pressure. So yeah, why do I need to waste all of those if I am not needed?
Give your words and I'll instantly withdraw myself.