Two Waves of every block are used to buy back XTN and burn it.
seems to me very few, and big loss for people.
now waves will complexify again with units.network
during the period, the scarce money in this system goes for units0 airdrop
and waves or wx price decrease at the same moment where btc reaches a record price with us presidential election.
it reminds a previous attempt when sasha favorized the token creation by everybody, the new tokens going nowwhere because of no market and lack of use
everybody will be able to create its own blockchain, when there will be not any use for it.
So what is the use for a retail investor to enter BTC at $1.7 trillion cap? same thing.
Marquise Museum is active on waves all though in maintenance mode since a time back.
The M2/WX and M2/Waves pool is generating a small daily profit and the market cap is $50 000 trading at a p/e of x60.
The project will be able to grow if waves creates a native NFT market underpinned by waves or some new token.
Here is the new business plan:
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59f96db06957da0ad5ec0089/t/67322c77f9c6490bf8422616/1731341432800/MM+business+plan+v1.0.pdfIt is possible to produce ROI on a $500 000 capital investment by a third party. The funds will be split between acquiring wx/waves/nexo/top 20 exchange listing.
The plan is then to perform an IEO on the waves token in partnership with a top 20 like Kucoin. And further pump the market cap of M2 from $50 000 up to $5bn over 24 months to attain global top 100 rank on cmc which will generate alot of prospective new buyers.
Meanwhile the pools on waves will generate pump liquidity and profit for the investor who will also witness a big paper profit on the $5bn paper value of M2 vault tokens.
Vault tokens are used to redeem NFTs. But there are no NFT markets on waves so the capacity of this venture is limited.
After successfull completion of the waves version of M2. It is possible to perform the same bootstrapping with the ERC-20 version. This is more expensive because of higher barriers to entry on Ethereum, but the NFTs were already published for sale on Opensea since 2021 so the system is online and ready.
In my opinion investing in waves is high risk but at the same time what will someone do today? invest in $2 trillion btc and expect x10 return? not possible.
Therefore this opportunity is open for anyone who is interested but it is very high risk and the medium to long term ROI on $500 000 is up to x10. I do not believe that a waves NFT even if vintage category can be very valuable in the future as most of the activity takes place on ethereum.
I do think that traction of the waves version could open a bigger opportunity with the ERC-20 and the ROI could be bigger perhaps x30 over 36 months.