The waves token verification process is an upgrade from Bettertokens.
But it seems centralized and you should write member fee first so users can know how much the yearly price is, because I remember it from podcast on youtube.
Why not let users vote with WCT for token verification on tokenrating?
It was a good idea that semms to have been abandoned... vote with waves or wct both.
and the top 10 highest ranked projects can receive daily liquidity reward into their markets.
It will be like staking dividend but for business instead of private. Instead of leasing waves to node, simply top 10 rank your project.
many users and talent will come because no one else is doing this I think.
rank 1: 100 waves daily liquidity (for coinmarketcap volume requirement)
rank 2-10: 50,40,30,20,10,6,4,2,1 waves per day
it can be sent to issuant owner wallet or injected directly into market making by special waves dev who has this job.
this amount is only example, it can of course be much more, but probably not lower.