Maybe sasha kept some of them?
no, if my math is correct 1000 BCH were distributed to 10.000.000 WCT
I own 3 000 WTC,
So (3 000/ 10 000 000)*1000 = 3/10 = 0,3 BCC
When i said i do math, I really do math.
And I get 0.03 BCC so 1/10 of that supposed i was suppose to receive
Until figure prove i am wrong, Waves airdropped 100 BCC not 1 000.
Or it is an unfair air drop?
That's correct.
There will be more BitcoinCash (BCC) airdrops.
In total, 1,000 BCH will be airdropped to holders of WavesCommunityTokens (WCT).
The 100 BCH that was airdropped yesterday is the first 10%.
How can you guys say and focus on it being generous and just accepting (i know there isnt much we can do) a lie without an explanation? Arent you more concerned with the ethics of how this was done, or would you think it would be generous if you only received 10% of your salary?
Sasha is at the frontier of negotiating and working for fair regulations in this space, he should therefore be and set an example, lying is definitely not the way to do it. This brings up many questions on how he runs the business, is he fair to his employees?
I actually was agains an airdrop like this, i think they should use that money for safety, growth and expansion instead. I mean, what if BTC crashed and BCC takes over, then waves wouldnt have any funds left. BUT, It is not fair when the CEO says that they will airdrop 1K next Monday and we get 0.1k next Thursday and with no official explanation, that should bring up some serious questions and doubts. A message here or on reddit or their official site explaining that they indeed cannot give away 1k as promised because they will need it for growth would be a much better approach, honesty, communication and transparency will always win in the long run in this space.
they collected 36k btc and 6 btc has been used, 30k btc gives them 30k bcc ( and 30k BTG) , sharing 1k bcc ( goodwill) doesnt have that effect if ..cause there 29k bcc left
my 2 cents