Etherium surviving as a 2nd place to Bitcoin is still guaranteed. Waves as at last I checked is still way far below at $4. What are your facts that waves will overthrow the Etherium bearing in mind also that it has its own investors.
and from the increasing use of waves it will trigger a price increase against waves
it is true that the increased use of waves will trigger an increase in price waves but rising or falling prices do not depend on it alone because it still exists that affects the price waves even all the coin is on issues that exist
ETH starting also very slow like now waves but today it has grown up and become a top 2nd crypto currency in digital currency world. Waves related projects are now started it takes time to effect on waves price. The price falling is common even the ETH price also came under $200 recently am I right. You have big capital then buy ETH, or you have less capital invest on waves that's it.