If you successfully passed the KYC, you can see the pre-sale countdown on your dashboard in the launch.mintlayer.org platform.
When the countdown ends, three tickets will appear on your dashboard. No need to refresh the page to see them.
Don't waste time when you see them, click on the ticket you want to buy and then confirm that choice.
If you are faster than the others, you will see a success message and the ticket is booked for you. You have up to 4 days (96 hours) to pay in BTC to confirm your allocation.
If you clicked on a button but there is no allocation left for the ticket you selected, you can try to buy another smaller ticket like the 100$ one.
Beware that if you buy a smaller ticket, you would not be able to participate in the next round when you might have the chance to grab a larger allocation.
Once you finalized the purchase, you will see the updated balance in your dashboard. You will be able to claim your MLT tokens upon Token Generation Event.
The team is currently targeting the end of the first quarter of 2022 for the TGE, but there is not a definitive date. The date could vary according to market conditions, VCs suggestions, agreements with third parties such as auditors and launchpads, or development updates.
If you do not get an allocation in this round, you will have more chances. You can wait for the countdown for the next sale round that will be announced early next year.
Please beware of fake Telegram channels and impersonators!
Follow only the official channels: t.me/mintlayer_announcements
The Mintlayer core team
Also gilt jetzt auch für uns KYC um unsere zusätzlichen Token zu erhalten, oder ist das immer noch nur für die Interessenten des Pre-sales gedacht?
Hierzu habe ich in letzter Zeit auch irgendwie nichts mehr gelesen.