Sometimes as a rational thinker, I've tried to wrap my head around how China has been able to sustain their economy with an estimated GDP growth of 3.00 percent and per CAPITAL GDP of 18187.98 USD, Especially owing to the fact that, they have to much people heavily dependent on her economy and population of over 1.400 billion people.
I see a lot of countries with much lesser population struggling to sustain their economy at this point, with global inflation, the after effect of COVID-19 other multi-dimensional economic problems. Because I can remember vividly that China, are one of the highest hit of COVID-19 but yet they are still waxing stronger economically.
The other day,
Pawal7777 was talking about recession hitting CANADA, and that's how other countries are having one difficulty here and there economically. So my point is, what economical indices is china adopting to keep their economy afloat?
Source: get the answer - just read up on China, over the last 50 years. I will tell you very primitively and simplistically
In the beginning - a huge but backward, agrarian-oriented country. No offense, there's nothing wrong with that. But they managed to become almost the second economy of the world.
So what went wrong in China, like other third world countries?
China started offering its territory as a site for manufacturing. That was the first stage, and it started to work. Yes, the country had a communist dictatorship (no, not at the level of North Korea, of course), but they realized that they could make money and develop their economy. Many western manufacturers came to the country, built their factories, and got good labor, and cheap labor.
Then manufacturers realized that it is possible to produce not only primitive goods, but also high-tech products. Plus - the AMAZING position for reducing logistics costs in the Africa-Asia-Oceania region.
And so it began - everyone who could not help themselves came to China and brought technology! And the technological revolution in China began. New technologies, whole production facilities were brought to China for decades, local specialists were trained.....
And that's what jump-started all other sectors of the economy. China from resource-agrarian China became a technological giant with a well-developed industry.
But this is very simplistic