
Topic: What Is A Social Justice Warrior (SJW)? - page 12. (Read 43299 times)

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 17, 2015, 09:10:51 PM


South Park, the grand old man of politically incorrect comedy, has taken on the social justice warriors in its biggest way yet.

In the season premiere, released yesterday, a new character was introduced: “PC Principal.” Introducing himself as someone who is “sick and tired of how minority groups are marginalised in today’s society,” the episode revolves around PC Principal’s sometimes violent quest to rid the school of problematic language. Like Dolores Umbridge with more testosterone, PC Principal spends his debut terrorising anyone who he suspects of misgendering trans peope or disrespecting women and minorities — occasionally beating up students in the process.

The show takes aim at the most absurdly PC story of recent months — the lionizing of Caitlyn (formerly Bruce) Jenner. The plot revolves around Kyle’s refusal to agree that Jenner is a hero. “I thought we were all on board that Caitlyn Jenner is an amazing beautiful woman who had the exquisite bravery of a butterfly flying against the wind,” screams PC Principal, “and then this sh*t comes out of peoples’ mouths!”

Amusingly, PC Principal and his gang of accomplices are portrayed as a hybrid of social justice warrior and college frat jock. At one point, the parents of South Park’s kids go to a college bar where they are accosted by “PC bros” who threaten to “throw down” at the slightest suggestion that Jenner isn’t a “stunning beautiful woman.”

Soon, the PC bros start talking amongst themselves (“Sweet, your PC bro?” “Yeah, Arizonia State.” Sweet bro, I’m PC U. Mass.” “Sweet dude.” “Sweet.”) and agree to set up a PC frat house under the leadership of PC Principal. (“No problematic language here bro!”) As a final test, pledges are told to “go outside and check someone’s privilege.”

Given that frat boys are the natural enemies of the social justice left on campus, it’s a creative bit of left-field humour. South Park cleverly questions whether the antics of frat boys (at one point, the PC bros draw penises on Kyle’s face while he’s asleep) would be deemed acceptable if they were done in the name of progressive values.

Like some of the social justice warriors we’ve covered in the past, the PC bros take a hostile, even violently belligerent attitude to anyone who offends them. At one point, PC Principal beats Eric Cartman to within an inch of his life for using the word “spokesman” instead of “spokesperson.”



Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 04, 2015, 11:01:25 AM
I mean the late name, why was it renamed back as so after the Ottoman Empire - under the Ottoman it was Syrian districts. The returning Jews under Zionism were for all means "immigrants".
The 1939 flag of Palestine was this:

sr. member
Activity: 518
Merit: 250
September 04, 2015, 10:07:23 AM

1. What you call "Palestinians" today are not from there, not any sort of "ancient inhabitants" of Israel as many may think, but an attempt to drop a "human bomb" against Zionism by the Ottoman Empire.
2. Well... today Palestinians aren't from there nor the most of Jews. The first Palestine was actually Jewish and the term comes from "pelesh" (invaders, occupants, dividers) to refer to those Jewish families that migrated there under the Zionist agenda.

I'd like to correct you on one point only - the region was named Palestine by the Roman occupiers about 2000 years ago, and the name doesn't refer to Jewish settlers.

"Palestinian" does come from a word that can mean "migrant" or "invader", but it was the name given to the ancient enemies of Israel before the Roman occupation.  This word appears as "Philistine" in modern translations of the Bible and ancient Jewish scriptures.

When the Romans conquered and made it a province, they called the province Judea.  But later they changed it to Palestine as a punishment to the rebellious people there;  renaming their country after their own enemies was a demoralizing insult.
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 04, 2015, 09:32:05 AM
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 03, 2015, 09:46:18 PM
I don't give a big F about that conflict because:

1. What you call "Palestinians" today are not from there, not any sort of "ancient inhabitants" of Israel as many may think, but an attempt to drop a "human bomb" against Zionism by the Ottoman Empire.
2. Well... today Palestinians aren't from there nor the most of Jews. The first Palestine was actually Jewish and the term comes from "pelesh" (invaders, occupants, dividers) to refer to those Jewish families that migrated there under the Zionist agenda.

So we've 2 invaders so to say. Who was there? And there we get to the root of lies; accordingly to the British consul at Jerusalem by 1860 there were about 15 thousand people in the town, of which about 8 thousand Jews, 4.5K Muslims and 2.5K Christians. Reports from other Western pilgrims follows this line; where is now Israel was a desert, almost nobody, just some Jews and nomad Arabs.
Oddly on 1890 the Ottoman census makes this figures about what's now Israel: 43K Jews, 57K Christians and 432K Muslims. But we have this entry from Mark Twain's travels:

"There is not a solitary village throughout its whole extent (valley of Jezreel, Galilea); not for thirty miles in either direction... One may ride ten miles hereabouts and not see ten human beings. For the sort of solitude to make one dreary, come to Galilee... Nazareth is forlorn... Jericho lies a mouldering ruin... Bethlehem and Bethany, in their poverty and humiliation... untenanted by any living creature... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent, mournful expanse... a desolation... We never saw a human being on the whole route... Hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil had almost deserted the country... Palestine sits in sackcloth and ashes... desolate and unlovely...".

- Mark Twain, "The Innocents Abroad", 1867

So in 23 years they went from "nobody" to half million? Well... looks like the Ottomans counted nomads a couple of times to make them look more, because:

"There are many proofs, such as ancient ruins, broken aqueducts, and remains of old roads, which show that it has not always been so desolate as it seems now. In the portion of the plain between Mount Carmel and Jaffa one sees but rarely a village or other sights of human life. There are some rude mills here which are turned by the stream. A ride of half an hour more brought us to the ruins of the ancient city of Cæsarea, once a city of two hundred thousand inhabitants, and the Roman capital of Palestine, but now entirely deserted. As the sun was setting we gazed upon the desolate harbor, once filled with ships, and looked over the sea in vain for a single sail. In this once crowded mart, filled with the din of traffic, there was the silence of the desert. After our dinner we gathered in our tent as usual to talk over the incidents of the day, or the history of the locality. Yet it was sad, as I laid upon my couch at night, to listen to the moaning of the waves and to think of the desolation around us".

- B. W. Johnson, in "Young Folks in Bible Lands": Chapter IV, 1892 -

So to the end; BOTH Jews and Arabs are mostly immigrants there. The region is inhabitable, just the science of Israel allows mankind to live there on the current figures. So, they're facing a major challenge, the Nature, and wasting time fighting because some mfs wants "jizya"!
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 03, 2015, 09:08:41 PM
Well, on that Israel issue, which we could well call the war of all lies, is to see how easy it can be to forge news these days!
This is basically because no journalist checks sources or do any field work, they just keep translating and passing on the primary source without any review at all.

The latest "Pallyhood" production is this video:

1. As we can see, and at the beginning we get a nearly 360º view, there's nobody around but the kid and the supposed IDF soldier.
2. For anyone, as me, who was a soldier wouldn't be hard to notice the soldier is neither on proper gear nor action, is just an actor with a poor IDF-like uniform.
3. Also supposedly the kid was throwing stones at IDF soldiers, but as we can see at #1: What soldiers?!
4. The Palestinians who were also throwing stones at the soldiers when given the chance of hit him with a rock and send him to meet the creator, just go on a soft struggle to take his mask (not even his weapon).
5. Last but not least, The Daily Mirror went as far as made up "declarations of an IDF spokesperson" about the situation... obviously such declarations or any reference to the incident are nowhere to be found at IDF's official blog.

BTW, don't miss the carnival bomb the other soldier throws.  Grin
That's totally a stupid video.  

No, those are not soldiers.  Not only are they not IDF soldiers, they are not any kind of soldiers.

By the way, one reason I am not sympathetic to the Demands of Palestine is that, well Pakistan was formed about the same time with 10x the number of refugees.  So why no outrage there?

Then there's Arafat. 
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 03, 2015, 08:50:44 PM
Well, on that Israel issue, which we could well call the war of all lies, is to see how easy it can be to forge news these days!
This is basically because no journalist checks sources or do any field work, they just keep translating and passing on the primary source without any review at all.

The latest "Pallyhood" production is this video:

1. As we can see, and at the beginning we get a nearly 360º view, there's nobody around but the kid and the supposed IDF soldier.
2. For anyone, as me, who was a soldier wouldn't be hard to notice the soldier is neither on proper gear nor action, is just an actor with a poor IDF-like uniform.
3. Also supposedly the kid was throwing stones at IDF soldiers, but as we can see at #1: What soldiers?!
4. The Palestinians who were also throwing stones at the soldiers when given the chance of hit him with a rock and send him to meet the creator, just go on a soft struggle to take his mask (not even his weapon).
5. Last but not least, The Daily Mirror went as far as made up "declarations of an IDF spokesperson" about the situation... obviously such declarations or any reference to the incident are nowhere to be found at IDF's official blog.

BTW, don't miss the carnival bomb the other soldier throws.  Grin
Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 03, 2015, 07:01:15 PM
But why can't they just compromise with the Palestinians?  All the Israelis would have to do is just all die, what's so hard about that? 

I hope I got the ironic tone right...
 Grin Cheesy Grin

Well, ya.  Actually I'd like to go visit the "Holy Lands" (Israel) sometime.  I'm sure I'd be welcome as a friendly Atheist.  Betcha lots of the people there would be right on the same wavelength.

Mecca now.....
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 03, 2015, 05:42:17 PM

Vanderbilt Women's Center to Lecture Men on 'Healthy Masculinities'

Vanderbilt University’s Women’s Center will be hosting a week-long event dedicated to lecturing men about what it means to have “healthy masculinity.”

The “Healthy Masculinities Week” is sponsored by Vanderbilt’s Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, which claims to be devoted to “Celebrating Women” while “Empowering All.”

The mission of the Women’s Center is to affirm a “space for all members of the Vanderbilt community that acknowledges and actively resists sexism, racism, homophobia, and all forms of oppression while advocating for positive social change.”

The “core values” of the Women’s Center includes the idea that, “progress toward gender equality calls all of us to be champions for change” while simultaneously claiming to “celebrate the unique differences among all persons and work to build community in diversity.”

“Healthy Masculinities Week” hopes to encourage men to “[e]xplore healthy masculinity through various lenses,” such as “American society, the gay and bisexual community, fraternities, and more.”

The first event as part of the “Healthy Masculinities Week” is called, “The Macho Paradox: Why some men hurt and how all men can help.” The title is a reference to a book by Jackson Katz, who is a self-proclaimed “anti-sexist activist” and the speaker for the event.

The full title for Katz’s book is, “The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and How All Men Can Help.” It is unclear why the word “Women” was removed from Vanderbilt’s event listing.

According to a review for Katz’s book, “Katz explores those aspects of American culture that promote violence against women, focusing separate chapters on pornography, prostitution, and other sex-related businesses as well as sexual violence in the military, the music industry, and athletics.” It also “offers advice on how men can ally with women to curb violence and change those aspects of the ‘boys will be boys’ attitude on male aggressiveness and masculinity that can lead to violence and abuse.”

In 2012, Katz gave a TED talk with the title, “Violence against women—it’s a men’s issue.” In his talk, Katz asserts we need to “change the socialization of boys and the definitions of manhood that lead to these current outcomes [violence against women].”

Other events as part of “Healthy Masculinities Week” include “Maintaining ‘Bro’ Status: Fraternity men discuss masculinity and mental health,” “Masc 4 Masc: Policing masculinity in the gay and bi communities,” “Masculinity XXL? The portrayal of manhood in Magic Mike,” and a screening and discussion of the film, “The Mask You Live In.”

The advertisement for “Healthy Masculinities Week,” which was emailed to members of the student body, includes a portrayal man with a thought bubble, thinking, “Don’t cry,” “Have sex,” “Major in business,” “Play sports,” and “Man up.” Allegedly, these are examples of unhealthy masculinity.

Vanderbilt’s “Healthy Masculinities Week” is scheduled to run from Sept. 10-17.

In addition to the Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center, “Healthy Masculinities Week” is also sponsored by a host of other departments at Vanderbilt, including Vanderbilt Athletics, Dean of Students Project Safe Center, Women’s and Gender Studies, Martha Rivers Ingram Commons, Office of Greek Life, Office of LGBTQI Life, Bishop Joseph Black Cultural Center, and the Interfaith Council.

The Margaret Cuninggim Women’s Center did not respond to a request for comment on the major topics covered during the event.

Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 03, 2015, 05:32:32 PM
But why can't they just compromise with the Palestinians?  All the Israelis would have to do is just all die, what's so hard about that? 

I hope I got the ironic tone right...
 Grin Cheesy Grin

sr. member
Activity: 518
Merit: 250
September 03, 2015, 04:40:06 PM
But why can't they just compromise with the Palestinians?  All the Israelis would have to do is just all die, what's so hard about that? 

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 03, 2015, 04:14:40 PM
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

So, just asking what do with Jews then is "lowering the bar"?! This sounds a LOT like "either you're pro-Jew or pro-Palestinian". How about "what the heck do I care about that"?!
That's my attitude entirely.  I am only noting that of posters, a fair minority are highly "anti Jew."  We can presume their nationalities and religious beliefs pretty easily.  But you really don't run into a  lot of "Anti Jordanians" or "Anti-Egypt" or "Anti-Palestine" voices.

As just one example, Muslims would like to play the "Victim" card.  They are victims, they say - of Islamophobia.  They will say this with a straight face and in the next paragraph display JewPhobia.  Essentially the message is "I play victim," "you/they can't."

They will say "Respect (my) religion, don't insult Mohammed," then literally erupt with hatred and slander of Israel.
Activity: 1218
Merit: 1000
September 03, 2015, 12:06:09 PM
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

So, just asking what do with Jews then is "lowering the bar"?! This sounds a LOT like "either you're pro-Jew or pro-Palestinian". How about "what the heck do I care about that"?!
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 03, 2015, 11:37:47 AM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  Grin

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.

When I joined bitcointalk I remember a lot of threads on that subject: basically bitcoin is anti banks. Banks are controlled by jews, thus bitcoin should be anti jews...

I was like... "What the hell!?"

Activity: 2912
Merit: 1386
September 03, 2015, 11:24:48 AM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  Grin

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".
Any of a large number of threads on this forum suggest a much lower bar for hostility and violence against Jews than other groups.  This is both explicit and implicit, both purposeful and unintentional.   Quite an interesting phenomena.
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 03, 2015, 11:23:03 AM
Looks like a good book

I will know more about the sjw, even more than the sjw themselves. This book is a strategic weapon.

sr. member
Activity: 518
Merit: 250
September 03, 2015, 11:05:30 AM
Looks like a good book
Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
September 03, 2015, 10:37:30 AM


The online culture wars have moved out of comments sections and into Amazon’s Kindle Store.

Following the publication of a book by the controversial sci-fi author Theodore Beale aka Vox Day, two parody e-books surged to the top of the store’s top-100 rankings. The first book was a parody of Day’s work, while the other (which has now been removed from Amazon) mocked John Scalzi, one of Day’s critics.

Day’s book is entitled “SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police”, and is intended to be a serious polemic. The book’s summary describes SJWs (Social Justice Warriors — a term for authoritarian progressive activists) as having “plagued mankind for 150 years” and describes how they “invaded one institution of the cultural high ground after another.” It presents itself as a guide to “understanding, anticipating, and surviving SJW attacks.”

The book includes a foreword from Breitbart associate editor Milo Yiannopoulos and was reviewed positively in the conservative online magazine American Thinker.

Online progressives were not so supportive. Alexandra Erin, a sci-fi writer who described Day’s book as “rehashing old slights”, wrote a short parody of the book for Kindle. Entitled “John Scalzi Is Not A Very Popular Author And I Myself Am Quite Popular: How SJWs Always Lie About Our Comparative Popularity Levels,” the book makes fun of Day’s alleged fixation with the progressive sci-fi author John Scalzi.

Scalzi himself appeared to be delighted with the parody,  saying he “loved it already.” He used the book in a fundraising drive for a charity promoting diversity at sci-fi conventions, promising to release an audio recording of him reading the book if $2,500 was raised within three days. The target was successfully met, and Scalzi subsequently uploaded an audio recording.

Supporters of Vox Day responded by releasing their own parody book, entitled “John Scalzi Is A Rapist: Why SJWs Always Lie In Bed Waiting For His Gentle Touch; A Pretty, Pretty Girl Dreams of Her Beloved One While Pondering Gender Identity, Social Justice, and Body Dysmorphia.”

The counter-parody was removed by Amazon today following complaints from Scalzi. Prior to its removal, it was the top seller in the “parodies” section of the Kindle store, two places ahead of Erin’s book. Kindle top 100 rankings are calculated on an hourly basis, and surges in popularity for titles usually reflect a short, rapid increase in the number of purchases.

Scalzi also asked his followers on social media if “John Scalzi is a rapist” counts as libel. Legal commentator Ken White (also known as Popehat), responded on his blog, saying the book was “almost certainly protected parody.”

I will certainly support this author as I am tired of the sjw army. Only 5 bux? Sold.


Activity: 1176
Merit: 1001
August 31, 2015, 08:39:08 AM
Well, people in general just wants to be good. The issue is on how can you be good without being mean?
As pointed early, it's somewhat funny to listen to folks with an assassin printed in the shirt (Che Guevara) complaining about Nazis, ignoring they are way alike.
You also get it from those "I support Palestine due to Human Rights violations and yada yada" -> so the Jews must be killed without appeal? Aren't they human also? Or simply have no rights? Or is these people just a group of morons?

Maybe one day people will learn to simply analyze decisions and potential outcomes, other than take one side and being good for that side regardless how hazardous the outcome may be... and then aliens may finally make contact with us.  Grin

I agree with "moron-ism" for classify those fashion-followers "useful idiots".


Activity: 1092
Merit: 1000
August 31, 2015, 04:24:48 AM
While the internet was supposed to be a tool to help expand our minds it has only helped closed minded people to live in worlds where they are right no matter how wrong.
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