Don't trust luck it only imaginary concepts of people who won always. You have a great trade if you have a good offer that like of the person who will trade to you. Its all depends on your product, if your products are low standard and quality do you think they will trade to you? of course not, if your product have a good quality and high standard of course they will buy it or they will they trade to you. That is what i am exactly mean.
Luck is the real thing when it comes to gambling. May be even if you are do trading you also need luck altough not as much as when we are gambling. You mean that about quality of your product? It doesnt correspond with this luck things. That is based of your own company and technology to make a good product or not
Yes luck is depend from yourself but luck also you can get from outside for examples like your enviroments. The chinese ever said that your luck is already been set so it just depends on you how you are going to make it come true and I believe that will happen
Of course self confidence and friends are needed in life but also luck truly play a role in your life too. Many people really want to have this luck when they do things like open shop or may be a company they always buy things that can boost their luck if not their company wont make it till now. Some of them are paying high just for the lucky items that brings luck to them
May be some of them is true that people really hardwork and its a must to get a bigger profit but if your luck doesnt by your side altough you already work so hard for 24 hours you still can't get enough profit. Thats why nowadays people just believe in luck and hardwork is a second thing beside luck