
Topic: what things does Russian really have? - page 2. (Read 7037 times)

full member
Activity: 182
Merit: 100
June 14, 2015, 11:36:42 AM
Culture, architecture, food, DRINKS, sports, special events, Russian dolls, sexy women and gangsters.
hero member
Activity: 644
Merit: 500
Invest & Earn:
June 14, 2015, 10:03:32 AM
Except oil and weapon, what things does Russian really have?
We all see that Russian is really weak in recently oil price crash.
The exchange rate of ruble and the inflation in Russian as follow the  oil price crash imply that Russian is just a third - rate country who depends on selling cheap resources.
After the Soviet Union collapsed, the Economic of Russian growth just benefit from the oil price risen.

Weapons, mafia, drugs. Okay that's very stereotypical of me.
Lots of land, huge army, lots of power actually. Rich (You know what I mean) history
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
June 14, 2015, 09:12:42 AM
I wouldn't say that this comparison is absolutely correct. You can't simply say that some country has a dictatorship while another is a democracy. Simply because the dictatorship and democracy are not mutually exclusive. This will sound funny, but dictatorship can be democratic.

India never had a military coup, and the governments were elected in without any election fraud or vote rigging. The army is not very powerful in India. Moreover, India is regarded as one of the best examples of parliamentary democracies in the Asian region. China, on the other hand, was an absolute dictatorship until the early 1990s.

I agree that there can be some cases, where the dictatorship and democracy are not mutually exclusive. But that is not the case with both India and China.   Smiley
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
June 14, 2015, 08:54:10 AM
Chinese as reliable and honest? LOL
Well, there are few examples from my own experience. As far I remember, I had no problem with chinese and japanese sellers... On the other hand, some part of our close western neighbours (you know whom I mean) are repeatedly trying to fool everyone. That's why I'm trying to have no business with them if there are other options.
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 506
June 14, 2015, 08:25:46 AM
You mention instances where west initiated invasions of russia - but putting nazi's aside (ones that entirety of the west banded together to eliminate), rest are by products of middle ages and factors that went along with it - religion, primarily.

No one today is expecting the pontiff of rome or, by some bizarre reasoning, protestant groups to initiate a crusade to purge the 'heretics' of russian orthodoxy. This is actually a factor that is overshadowed when people speak of west-russian rivalry. Major historical source of enmity is gone.

More importantly, no western country wanted or succeeded in subjugating or ruling over russia and russian people for a simple reason: Their actions are primarily motivated by wariness of a large, imposing russian nation right on their borders with far greater manpower than any single or group of smaller european nation. This does not justify the invasions - but I am sure russians understand the sentiment of wariness that comes with having a potential threat on their borders to say the least.

AFAIK, west banded together against Reich only after United States were directly challenged by Nazi Germany, german war machine wouldnt be able to start working in the first place, if not for western money and support - as bulwark against "eastern threat". You are quick to dismiss countless invasions and millions of dead Slavs, Kalmyks, Tatars, Caucasians and even Jews to "old mistakes". Yet geopolitics never changes and you perfectly described why. Russia is still considered too large and too strong, it will never be accepted as a partner unless it is depopulated and teritorially dissected first. US politicians are not even hiding it and as late as in the nineties, they found enough collaborators, traitors and naive idealists, who nearly made it happen. It is irrelevant how you will judge Putin - you are outsider. What matter is, that every person that stayed in the coutry understands, that without his aides and master plan, there would be no Russia today. Just more easily replaceable slaves, cheap resources and markets, that the west urgently needs.

You can speculate about it as much as you want, but even your diction betrays you. At no point, did you ask the question: What do the Russians/Other side/Partners want. You only mention what THEY MUST DO.

Ending of eternal rivalry between China, Russia and Iran wasnt brought about by mutual sympathies, but by instict of self-preservation in the last decades. Otherwise, Russia would be isolated, crushed and dissected. West has no use for Russia besides cheap resource and labor base - in fact look around this very topic, many members even here see the country exactly as that and its industrous people as little more, than talking apes. Thanks, but no thanks, this is not how friends speak of each other.

That doesnt mean US and Russia have to be enemies.

Just. Leave. Us. Finally. Alone.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
June 13, 2015, 04:00:08 PM

Indeed, should russia resolve its birth rate problem and get back on track building a legitimate economy that is not solely dependent on resource export, they have almost infinite potential growth.

Siberia is a treasure trove of everything, assuming they can somehow resolve the issue of livability in those regions. The vastness of those regions can only be matched in the world if US merges with Canada in the future and opens up canada's northern regions to inhabitation and resource management.

Russia right now is getting back on its feet after decades of political instability nevermind national depression after USSR. As a western citizen, I do understand that Russians can be belligerent and not easy to get along with - but we must understand that russians in the end are fundamentally concerned with preservation of their people and their state. Many of its ills are not only social and cultural, but also in large part connected to the influx of foreign criminals with direct links to criminal groups in Caucasus, such as Azerbaijani and georgian as well as chechens. Local criminal groups are directly linked to the government, but these foreign groups are rampant and respect no russians.

I do know that there are many russian trolls in these forums, some paid off by the state. If their idea is to vilinize the west with trifling threads such as 'west is gearing up to attack russia', I can guarentee that no western leader is day dreaming about goose step marching down the red square. Western response to russian actions are largely reactive and defensive - why else would a 'imperialistic' power set up military bases around russian border nations and merely wait?

The fundamental idea behind western posture towards russia is one of wariness and mistrust, not out right aggression or violent militarism. We try to contain or other wise hinder russia when it seems they are becoming belligerent and invasive (annexaction of crimea), but the posture is a defensive one, not rape pillage and kill.

Given russian history, it is understandable that they are belligerent towards perceived threats. However, the ongoing rivalry between west and russia is counterproductive to both sides who will in the future increasingly find themselves arrayed against same enemies, on a cultural and racial level. Actually, they already are.

It's time to flip the chess board around and change west-russian relations for the better. No one looks at Russians and think 'oh I see an Asian/Middle Easterner/African/non-white'. Russia must understand that western mentality against russia is primarily defensive and reactive, and also realize (probably already do but foolishly thinks they can take advantage of the west for long) that their chief historical and real enemy lies to the south and east.

Russians have a long proud history of destroying invaders and defending itself against threats. I can respect their unique tenacity and will, but I do believe that it is being leveled in a very counter productive and wrong direction, one that will ultimately leave russia alone and isolated against increasingly violent non-western enemies.

I do hope that in the future we Americans and Russians can come to see eye to eye and sit on the same table, if not as friends or allies, then at least as associates with more common interests than not. Future demands that it be so, because the world will not hesitate to take advantage of west-russian tit for tat infantile wrangling to advance its own racial and cultural goals that are decidedly anti-western and anti-russian.

You make some good point, but also got power dynamics upside down  Wink Repeatedly, russian nations aspired to be accepted by the west, due to shared culture, religion and yes, even race. How have that ended up for Russians?

In 13th century western Crusaders and Poles backstabbed and occupied modern day western Ukraine and Belarus, while the rest of the nation faced genocide from Mongolic Empire.

In 17th century just after finally subduing eastern Nomads, the ruling dynasty in Russia died out, again Westerners attacked from west and north. Poles burned down Moscow.

In 18th century resurgent Russia saw itself as Third Rome (after collapse of Byzantines at the hand of Turks) and protectors of all Christians, educated Russians considered it norm to speak and write in French (as natural successor of latin). Shortly thereafter Moscow was burned down by Napoleon.

In early 20th century basically the same story repeated again, when Germans (whose culture was again adored as opposed to plebean "muzhik" nature of rural Russians) exported Jew-Kalmyk Lenin into war torn country, raping it internally for generations to come.

And I am not even getting into cold war or attempts at dissecting Russia in the nineties from Anglosaxons. As Madeleine Albright (Czech-jewish American), then Secretary of State under Bill Clinton have said: "Russia is way too large to by ruled by single nation." Thats how Westerners treat their partners  Wink

You already saw open, extended hand of Russia and every time you ended up pissing all over it.

Even, as non-Russian I see clearly, that from their viewpoint Chinese are more reliable and honest partners.

You mention instances where west initiated invasions of russia - but putting nazi's aside (ones that entirety of the west banded together to eliminate), rest are by products of middle ages and factors that went along with it - religion, primarily.

No one today is expecting the pontiff of rome or, by some bizarre reasoning, protestant groups to initiate a crusade to purge the 'heretics' of russian orthodoxy. This is actually a factor that is overshadowed when people speak of west-russian rivalry. Major historical source of enmity is gone.

More importantly, no western country wanted or succeeded in subjugating or ruling over russia and russian people for a simple reason: Their actions are primarily motivated by wariness of a large, imposing russian nation right on their borders with far greater manpower than any single or group of smaller european nation. This does not justify the invasions - but I am sure russians understand the sentiment of wariness that comes with having a potential threat on their borders to say the least.

You mentioned that russian wanted to be accepted and respected by the west, and that they strive to absorb western ways and culture. While the fact that they strove to learn western ways are true, their primary motive is same as anyone: To absorb what needs to be learned and strengthen their own position. More to the point, the belligerence and outwardly threatening and posturing behavior regardless of their fetish for german machines/french wine and literature/english lifestyle, etc etc obviously concerns the west far more, as it should be for any nation.

In essence, Russia is attempt to approach and create rapport purely on its own terms, while true exchange and rapport can only be created when both sides make certain compromises and reach an understanding of mutual common ground. Russia's greatest damage and carnage came not from the west on a fundamental level, because no matter how many hostilities commenced, aside from deranged nazis no one was truly dreaming of completely subjugating russia and killing off all russians. Now, the racial enemies to the east and south have no such scruples. How many russians and ukrainians where kidnapped by tartar raids to be enslaved? No one needs to even mention the threats of tamerlane and mongolic empire that almost completely trampled over russian people and many say irreparably damaged russian psyche at a fundamental level.

From russian historical point of view, west could indeed be viewed as legitimate enemies. However, you fail to mention that no western power held/wanted to hold russian under its yoke for the simple reason that fundamental thinking is different from that of rampaging enemies to the east and south - it is born out of caution and reactive hostility. Whether they succeeded in burning down moscow several times does not change the fact that they made little attempt to subjugate russia as a whole or commit genocide on a whole scale aside from nazis.

Why do I insist upon this view point, despite the historical evidences you point out? Because many soviet diplomats to the west have also made similar observations upon their return to the motherland after serving overseas - that the fundamental western approach to russia is born out of caution and wariness, not the kind of subjugation tyranny that were born from the east and south of russia. No matter the scale of hostilities in the past, the fundamental difference in mentality means that russia has far better future walking side by side with the west rather than continuously expressing hostility towards those who by world's standards are cousins.

It is agreed that west must also take a few steps to accept russians for who they are and start respecting their culture, as much as russians have. However, russian infantile behavior in reactive nationalism and general belligerence when dealing with the west, while meekly following along the leads of china and other non-western nations makes this difficult to respect from western point of view. Ignore for the moment all the mouthy liberals in the west - trust me a lot of westerners agree in public and hold quiet but fierce disdain for such people in private. The key point is that russia is too stubborn in counterproductive fashion when dealing with the west, wholly conciliatory and sometimes even seemingly supine towards those in the east and south who want to use and kill russians on racial and cultural level. This creates the impression that russian ultimately only respect brutality and strength - thus creating an enemy of russia rather than a potential ally. Conflict between west and russia is virtually one of fraternal conflict - closer you are, greater the damage, but in the end, no one can deny the relatively close relations between west and russia both culturally and racially.

Russian bitterness towards west for supposedly unreciprocated affection (why the fck does this start to sound like a woman pining for her ideal suitor) is understandable, but only if one considers russian position and that only. This insistence on doing things purely on russian terms is absolutely necessary for survival and victory - but not when you are trying to make friends or associates. At the same time, russia should never surrender who it is just to fit in - a combination of firm statement on uncompromising russian identity combined with willingness to accept west as a partner for who it is; this is what is needed. Given that russia is taking over someone's home and generally being hostile towards the west at the moment while seemingly bowing to chinese influence - because chinese are russian's cultural and racial enemies, makes this very very difficult for the west to regard russia as anything other than opportunistic enemies.

Future demands thus: That Russia revive itself and preserve its identity and strength, and at the same time, have the big enough heart and wisdom to accept west for what it is and consider the west as partners and associates to begin with, if not friends. Same is true for the west. No one should be thinking russia is absorbed in western culture - because russia is uniquely strong and reliable in its own way BECAUSE it is russian. Many in the west are beginning to see this, and you will find many former military officials in the west not so secretly holding a sense of nostalgia when soviet union was a 'reliable' rival - stubborn and hostile, but honorable and straightforward in its own strange way.

Chinese as reliable and honest? LOL

With respect to russian 'wisdom' in that regard, they are severely mistaken. I hope the silvonik ruling class are aware of this error in russia - and take steps to reach out to potential allies in the west with similar view points and common goals.

hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 506
June 13, 2015, 10:12:10 AM

Indeed, should russia resolve its birth rate problem and get back on track building a legitimate economy that is not solely dependent on resource export, they have almost infinite potential growth.

Siberia is a treasure trove of everything, assuming they can somehow resolve the issue of livability in those regions. The vastness of those regions can only be matched in the world if US merges with Canada in the future and opens up canada's northern regions to inhabitation and resource management.

Russia right now is getting back on its feet after decades of political instability nevermind national depression after USSR. As a western citizen, I do understand that Russians can be belligerent and not easy to get along with - but we must understand that russians in the end are fundamentally concerned with preservation of their people and their state. Many of its ills are not only social and cultural, but also in large part connected to the influx of foreign criminals with direct links to criminal groups in Caucasus, such as Azerbaijani and georgian as well as chechens. Local criminal groups are directly linked to the government, but these foreign groups are rampant and respect no russians.

I do know that there are many russian trolls in these forums, some paid off by the state. If their idea is to vilinize the west with trifling threads such as 'west is gearing up to attack russia', I can guarentee that no western leader is day dreaming about goose step marching down the red square. Western response to russian actions are largely reactive and defensive - why else would a 'imperialistic' power set up military bases around russian border nations and merely wait?

The fundamental idea behind western posture towards russia is one of wariness and mistrust, not out right aggression or violent militarism. We try to contain or other wise hinder russia when it seems they are becoming belligerent and invasive (annexaction of crimea), but the posture is a defensive one, not rape pillage and kill.

Given russian history, it is understandable that they are belligerent towards perceived threats. However, the ongoing rivalry between west and russia is counterproductive to both sides who will in the future increasingly find themselves arrayed against same enemies, on a cultural and racial level. Actually, they already are.

It's time to flip the chess board around and change west-russian relations for the better. No one looks at Russians and think 'oh I see an Asian/Middle Easterner/African/non-white'. Russia must understand that western mentality against russia is primarily defensive and reactive, and also realize (probably already do but foolishly thinks they can take advantage of the west for long) that their chief historical and real enemy lies to the south and east.

Russians have a long proud history of destroying invaders and defending itself against threats. I can respect their unique tenacity and will, but I do believe that it is being leveled in a very counter productive and wrong direction, one that will ultimately leave russia alone and isolated against increasingly violent non-western enemies.

I do hope that in the future we Americans and Russians can come to see eye to eye and sit on the same table, if not as friends or allies, then at least as associates with more common interests than not. Future demands that it be so, because the world will not hesitate to take advantage of west-russian tit for tat infantile wrangling to advance its own racial and cultural goals that are decidedly anti-western and anti-russian.

You make some good point, but also got power dynamics upside down  Wink Repeatedly, russian nations aspired to be accepted by the west, due to shared culture, religion and yes, even race. How have that ended up for Russians?

In 13th century western Crusaders and Poles backstabbed and occupied modern day western Ukraine and Belarus, while the rest of the nation faced genocide from Mongolic Empire.

In 17th century just after finally subduing eastern Nomads, the ruling dynasty in Russia died out, again Westerners attacked from west and north. Poles burned down Moscow.

In 18th century resurgent Russia saw itself as Third Rome (after collapse of Byzantines at the hand of Turks) and protectors of all Christians, educated Russians considered it norm to speak and write in French (as natural successor of latin). Shortly thereafter Moscow was burned down by Napoleon.

In early 20th century basically the same story repeated again, when Germans (whose culture was again adored as opposed to plebean "muzhik" nature of rural Russians) exported Jew-Kalmyk Lenin into war torn country, raping it internally for generations to come.

And I am not even getting into cold war or attempts at dissecting Russia in the nineties from Anglosaxons. As Madeleine Albright (Czech-jewish American), then Secretary of State under Bill Clinton have said: "Russia is way too large to by ruled by single nation." Thats how Westerners treat their partners  Wink

You already saw open, extended hand of Russia and every time you ended up pissing all over it.

Even, as non-Russian I see clearly, that from their viewpoint Chinese are more reliable and honest partners.
Activity: 1148
Merit: 1000
June 13, 2015, 01:15:18 AM
I've never been there but Russia has got to be one of the best countries to live in. For me Russia is synonymous with nature and I freaking love nature, I've seen so many awesome documentaries on different regions there  Smiley  
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
June 13, 2015, 01:07:27 AM

The proposed North American Union (United States + Canada + Mexico) will be having an area of 21,814,526 sq. kms (2.18 billion hectares), compared to 17,098,242 sq.kms for Russia. But still, the NAU will be smaller when compared to the former USSR, which had an area of 22,402,200 sq.kms (2.2 billion hectares).
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
June 12, 2015, 11:15:50 PM

Indeed, should russia resolve its birth rate problem and get back on track building a legitimate economy that is not solely dependent on resource export, they have almost infinite potential growth.

Siberia is a treasure trove of everything, assuming they can somehow resolve the issue of livability in those regions. The vastness of those regions can only be matched in the world if US merges with Canada in the future and opens up canada's northern regions to inhabitation and resource management.

Russia right now is getting back on its feet after decades of political instability nevermind national depression after USSR. As a western citizen, I do understand that Russians can be belligerent and not easy to get along with - but we must understand that russians in the end are fundamentally concerned with preservation of their people and their state. Many of its ills are not only social and cultural, but also in large part connected to the influx of foreign criminals with direct links to criminal groups in Caucasus, such as Azerbaijani and georgian as well as chechens. Local criminal groups are directly linked to the government, but these foreign groups are rampant and respect no russians.

I do know that there are many russian trolls in these forums, some paid off by the state. If their idea is to vilinize the west with trifling threads such as 'west is gearing up to attack russia', I can guarentee that no western leader is day dreaming about goose step marching down the red square. Western response to russian actions are largely reactive and defensive - why else would a 'imperialistic' power set up military bases around russian border nations and merely wait?

The fundamental idea behind western posture towards russia is one of wariness and mistrust, not out right aggression or violent militarism. We try to contain or other wise hinder russia when it seems they are becoming belligerent and invasive (annexaction of crimea), but the posture is a defensive one, not rape pillage and kill.

Given russian history, it is understandable that they are belligerent towards perceived threats. However, the ongoing rivalry between west and russia is counterproductive to both sides who will in the future increasingly find themselves arrayed against same enemies, on a cultural and racial level. Actually, they already are.

It's time to flip the chess board around and change west-russian relations for the better. No one looks at Russians and think 'oh I see an Asian/Middle Easterner/African/non-white'. Russia must understand that western mentality against russia is primarily defensive and reactive, and also realize (probably already do but foolishly thinks they can take advantage of the west for long) that their chief historical and real enemy lies to the south and east.

Russians have a long proud history of destroying invaders and defending itself against threats. I can respect their unique tenacity and will, but I do believe that it is being leveled in a very counter productive and wrong direction, one that will ultimately leave russia alone and isolated against increasingly violent non-western enemies.

I do hope that in the future we Americans and Russians can come to see eye to eye and sit on the same table, if not as friends or allies, then at least as associates with more common interests than not. Future demands that it be so, because the world will not hesitate to take advantage of west-russian tit for tat infantile wrangling to advance its own racial and cultural goals that are decidedly anti-western and anti-russian.

Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
June 12, 2015, 11:59:20 AM
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
June 12, 2015, 11:51:07 AM
Your point about their metal is a valid point, but then the question raise, why they aren't selling it instead, if they have a huge quantity like you say?

They are selling it, either as pure metal, alloys, or in the form of equipment and other products. Consider these facts:

1. Russia is the 6th largest producer of steel in the world, and the 5th largest producer of Iron ore.
2. Russia is the 2nd largest producer of Aluminium.
3. Russia is the 7th largest producer of Copper.
4. Russia is the 3rd largest producer of Gold.
5. Russia is the 2nd largest producer of Magnesium.
6. Russia is the 2nd largest producer of Platinum.
7. Russia is the 4th largest producer of Silver.
8. Russia is the 2nd largest producer of Titanium.
9. Russia is the 6th largest producer of Uranium.
10.Russia is the 4th largest producer of Antimony.
11.Russia is the 4th largest producer of Fluorite.
12.Russia is the 2nd largest producer of Silicon.
13.Russia is the 5th largest producer of Bentonite.
Activity: 1680
Merit: 1014
June 12, 2015, 11:21:55 AM
russians? they have just oil and gas ...and siberia Smiley)) maybe they are too big to conqueror.

Russia is rich in almost all the natural resources (Iron ore, Nickel, Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Chromium, Aluminium, Diamonds, Coal.etc) and not just in oil and gas. Unfortunately, they are not utilizing them 100%. And yes, they are the largest country, in terms of surface area, which makes it almost impossible for anyone to conquer Russia.  Grin

their largest territory is also a double blade, one could hide there easily, than in any other country, if one escapes in Russia , it would be very difficult to find, your point about their metal is a valid point, but then the question raise, why they aren't selling it instead, if they have a huge quantity like you say?

Given that almost 300 factories that processed material and were used for machine-building were closed and destroyed during the Yeltsin's Wild 90's, Russia has a lot of catching up to do. Also having a lot of resource in the ground is one thing, being able to get it profitably is another. One could argue that Russia could sell extraction rights to foreign companies (and it does), but that is a dangerous thing - one should be careful not to sell the country together with the land.

On a lighter note. Today is the Day of Russia's Independence - the youngest holiday in Russia. On the 12th of June 1990, the first Congress of People's Deputies adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia.
There will be a large celebration - concert and historical show - aired directly from the Beautiful Square:

There will also be an airing of celebrations from Crimea:

Yesterday, this day was celebrated in Kishenjov, Moldova, and saw a great turn-out and spectacular fireworks, despite the authorities' attempts to sabotage it:
hero member
Activity: 639
Merit: 500
June 12, 2015, 10:56:18 AM
russians? they have just oil and gas ...and siberia Smiley)) maybe they are too big to conqueror.

Russia is rich in almost all the natural resources (Iron ore, Nickel, Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Chromium, Aluminium, Diamonds, Coal.etc) and not just in oil and gas. Unfortunately, they are not utilizing them 100%. And yes, they are the largest country, in terms of surface area, which makes it almost impossible for anyone to conquer Russia.  Grin

their largest territory is also a double blade, one could hide there easily, than in any other country, if one escapes in Russia , it would be very difficult to find, your point about their metal is a valid point, but then the question raise, why they aren't selling it instead, if they have a huge quantity like you say?
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
June 12, 2015, 09:36:38 AM
Endless and Cheap natural resources

The natural resources of Russia are not endless, although right now they are plentiful. They need to be used carefully. For example, although Russia remains the world's largest producer of crude oil and other petroleum products, a lot of it is lost as a result of pipeline leakage, accidents and inefficient transport system. For the past two decades, I haven't seen any improvements in the crude oil transport infrastructure.
hero member
Activity: 658
Merit: 500
June 12, 2015, 09:22:29 AM
Russians have some specific food - cooked meat, tea, some specific soups. Also a lot of gas and oil.  Grin
Activity: 98
Merit: 10
★YoBit.Net★ 350+ Coins Exchange & Dice
June 12, 2015, 06:36:49 AM
Big Tracks of Land
Nuclear Weapons 8000+, Tsar Bomba is one of them
Missiles - S550, S500, S400, SS-N-22 Sunburn
New Technologies
Space Capabilities
Hot Chicks
People ready to sacrifice for their country
Endless and Cheap natural resources

Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
June 12, 2015, 06:15:38 AM
By the way, you personally might not use something with "made in Russia" yourself, but you know who does? NASA does. Everytime NASA needs to send some of its trained chimps into the space, its Russians on the ground doing the job and building the rockets.

Without the Russian technology, the International Space Station would have never got completed. The NASA space technology is still way behind that of Russia, although the former receives almost 20 times the funding compared to the latter. If Russia refuses to cater to the American astronauts, then the NASA will have very few viable choices.
Activity: 1110
Merit: 1000
June 12, 2015, 06:13:15 AM
But the main, and most important thing that Russia has, are its people - friendly, open-hearted, ready to help, often naïve, but with the perseverence that has Russia going despite everything that history had thrown at it.

You mean people with no education ? No "hello", no "thanks" ... and think they can do what they want because they have money ...

Sorry but all the place were i had been in holidays where russian was ... it was not educated people ! Raw people ... and most often drunk ... but of course it must be my imagination ....
hero member
Activity: 574
Merit: 506
June 12, 2015, 06:01:55 AM
Come on, guys.
You know what I mean.
As you can find lots of things which made in China.
And use lots of things made by USA or service by USA as google.
And Japan's camera……。
I only just want to say, Russian is far from a dominant country。
It's just a Third rate country.
And that why I despise Putin.

Hilarious how sheep jumped on your Russia bashing band wagon and then dispersed, right? Meanwhile Russia, China and Iran tightened their military alliance, economic output is at record high and even western countries are being seduced by the idea of joining Chinese development bank (counterpart of NWOs International Monetary Fund) - they are solvent.

Russia by the way has - in spite of jewish oligarchs tantamount efforts to destroy it - still alot to offer besides weapons and resources. It has industrial tradition in heavy machinery, world class aerospace experts and produces about three times as many engineers and technical personell as do western countries. You see, it is country where education still means more, than title in front of your name.

By the way, you personally might not use something with "made in Russia" yourself, but you know who does? NASA does. Everytime NASA needs to send some of its trained chimps into the space, its Russians on the ground doing the job and building the rockets.
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