Recently, a friend of mine approached me with a question about what he should read about gambling. He read a lot of specialized forums and looked at information on websites, but he was not satisfied. He started betting on sports not so long ago, but began to lose a lot and realized that he had a significant lack of theoretical knowledge. He loves books and believes that only books present knowledge systematically, and not chaotically, as on many websites. But his question stumped me. Although I have read some books on sports betting, poker and other games, I do not know what specifically to advise a beginner. What books would you recommend?
Can you learn everything just by reading books? Sometimes you can learn a lot through outside knowledge. And for gambling, I don't think it would be good to learn by reading books and gaining knowledge. You need your own strategy and experience to gamble. To create an experience in gambling, you must have good experience in sports. If you know the players, venues, and teams well, you can win gambling. In this case, I don't think it is very good to learn by reading books and gain experience.
I will give an example: a person is studying books to ride a bicycle, he studied books for about three months and went to ride a bicycle, he could not ride a bicycle properly after studying the books. Another person at the same time went directly to the field with a bicycle and he learned to ride a bicycle very quickly in seven days. Here there is a big difference between riding a bicycle by reading a book and riding a bicycle practically without reading a book because it is better to ride a bicycle directly than wasting time by reading a book because the rules are later you can learn by yourself.
Use your own strategy to play gambling. Gain experience about the sport. Learn about the players, venues, teams, hopefully you will be very good at gambling.