It will be obvious that a gambler who wins big today and would love to stay away from gambling comes the next day with small money to try his luck to win big again.
Before a worker thinks of that, he should think of a situation, what if other gamblers keep yielding to the advice he is giving to quit when on profit? Will the casino where he works be able to keep paying his workers in the long run? Won't they close because of lack of funds not getting it from their customers who lose their bets and also not being able to have many gamblers who come always to patronize them per day?
Someone can't play stupid because he's trying to safeguard the profits of his customers, whereby is from the losses of his customers that his monthly salary is being gotten from
You are right
Provided the gambler is not going against the rules and policies of the Casino, the worker has no right whatsoever to advice any gambler to stop gambling. I believe no Casino will find it pleasing knowing that their staff has been giving unsolicited advice to their customers. Especially advice capable of reducing the credibility of the casino. Such act goes against any organisation's policy and can warrant the casino worker being sacked.
If a gambler makes profit, it is a win for him and it will motivate him to visit the casino next time. And if the gambler makes losses, it is a win for the Casino as that is one avenue the casino makes profit. Casinos won't advice their customers to gamble responsibly, in fact they make more money from irresponsible gamblers.
You wont really be a huge loss if they would really be that firing you immediately basing up on the things that you've been doing which it is really that against with their targets.
I do agree that having those concerns are good but there are really moments or things in life that we should really be that making ourselves get silent rather
than on taking some heroic steps even if you do know that you are risking yourself into doing such things.