You are exactly right in this.I also when I lose a lot of money I say to myself a similar phrase to it and mine is "Just 100 more auto spins to win the bonus" and this keeps being repeated until I lose all of my money.Luckily for me though it has been near three weeks I have not touch a slot with real money as I got a huge bad luck the last time I played that made me think cold headed that these games are created against me so why continue to play them.So far it has worked but slots are so addictive and the providers come up with all sort of game play mechanics that makes you come back in no time.
Many of us have thought of phrases like this because I often get them. But soon, I diverted such thoughts because it would not be worth it. Besides, I once tried to follow that thought but got lost.
Yes, I agree that slots are very addictive and only we can say no to continue the next spin. The phrase "only 1 or 2 more rounds to play" is a temptation that we often experience and is very difficult to avoid, especially if we have won.
When a gambler spends more time in gambling from a certain time frame, gambling addiction is seen in him to some extent. And this kind of incident is seen frequently in almost all gamblers to a lesser or greater extent. However, spending a lot of time in gambling is not bring what you have expect. So ignoring all these things gambling can bring the big success.
It was only a matter of time before the gambler eventually became addicted and he would not notice. Gambling addiction can come anytime, especially when we are too busy playing for a long time. And when that happens, we will be even more engrossed in playing gambling without seeing whether there are changes that we experience or realize. But if you can stop the fun of playing, you can at least prevent gambling addiction from coming to you so you won't have any problems later.