Probably people will have more friends, more relations between them and more knowledge...40 years ago we didn't have internet and everything was working good. Airplanes,companies,trading,post office,banks..all. Internet offers you everything just click away. Before if you need some info you needed to search books,go to library,ask somebody..people were more social..
This life is hard without internet. People in the world will not know each other, all information will not convey quickly. Thanks to this, people across the country can make friends and make friends. Introduce your country to friends in Europe.
Somebody, that you never met is not your "friend", "lover" or "partner". It is merely virtual persona behind another computer screen.
Friend is somebody, who helps you in the time of troubles, because of personal connection. Adult man should know that.
Apparently, humankind was around for 200 000 years before DARPA developed network in case of nuclear war. So, I dont think. that life with internet would be so hard. It was done before. By all of your ancestors.