I see in my country many marriages at a young age and don't think about the economy in the future,
I know getting married at a young age is very beautiful,
but if the economy is insufficient, maybe should think again not to get married at a young age,
and I think from that marriage it can give birth to children and increase the population of the earth, and maybe in a few years the earth will be full of humans and surely there will be many other crimes to survive on this earth,
Is there a solution, to overcome this impending disaster
Getting married at a younger age like example teenage days is not very beautiful. Teenager suppose to be in school but since they already have child or children they add to unemployed people to a country. We all know that job opportunities cannot occupied all the country's professionals but with the addition of teenagers who got married early, unemployed people grows.
Before getting married we should have a good status of work and enough money in order to raise our own family. In that case, we do help ourselves, our family to be, and our economy.