Ok we try it once for free just for you:
You are thinking that everyone opposing your ideas and opinions is a brainwashed feminist, collectivists, socialist or communist but it contrast you are a brainwashed conservative (tea party ringing?), who is obsessed by mostly middle age thoughs which are mixed with nationalism, racial, ethnic and religious mistrust, class thinking and so on.
That was your interpretation of my ideology (which happens to be incorrect BTW), not an explanation of why what I said was projection.
I used to be like you, a blind liberal fighting for the legions of "victims" the world over, then I educated myself. You haven't got a clue what my ideologies are, all you know is your knee jerk reactionary response to the ideas I present. Every statement I made I can back up why I said it in detail, including historical cases and references to other forms of these ideologies and explain why they are harmful. You can't even explain your one point about why you think I am projecting, you just reach for your cudgel again.
Thanks for proving MY point
Oh right, i forgot you arent mentally able to remember your past postings although it is just 2-3 post in the past.
My response was directed at the part of you conditioned by feminists and collectivists that make you BELIEVE this is a seriously complicated subject, when in reality it is staring your right in the face but you refuse to look at it because it might be "sexist" to examine reality in public.
You are stuck in the feminist delusion that we are all the same [...]. A lot of what you are saying comes directly from "critical theory", which is just Marxism wrapped in a paper thin veil of "social science" (ie horse shit designed to push collectivism).
I come at conversations like I have spent a fuck of a lot more time studying these topics than most people
Women tend to be collectivists as a matter of evolutionary biology. Collectivists destroy society.
All the liberal loons watch shows like [...]
This is why collectivists are waging a constant battle against those who are "privileged" enough to have more intelligence, skills, wealth, etc than others so they can force them to regress to the mean, thereby elevating their own positions in comparison. This is also why women in general tend to lean toward collectivism, because they require the state to take from the individualists who have done better in order to increase their own standard of living via theft from those individuals.
the classic:
Actually, you were right I did say that, but I was looking in the wrong place for it (my op).
do you read what you post?
you think that your opinion is all that matters and everyone is brainwashed who disagree, but the truth is you are brainwashed with *(not sure if you use "in" or "with" here) your delusional perception of reality.
maybe dont read too much breitbart, dailystormer and cnn? are you a tea party member?
i just looked trough less then 10 of your last post and i really cant believe what utter bull you give from you.
and btw. im just an alt of a mod and this is all a conspiracy to remove you and your friends forever from this forum. dayum.