Female leadership gets criticise & judged harshly, by both men and women alike.
It comes from a feeling within individuals that female leadership does not 'sit right'. Female leadership feels 'wrong' at a primal, 'gut' level.
Female leadership feels 'risky'.
Humans don't have an evolutionary experience with women leading groups.
I think you came close to the center of this argument, but are attributing it to society itself some how not having evolved yet to accept female leaders. The reason it does not "sit right" and feels "risky" is because it is. Women have themselves not been able to occupy positions of leadership for more than what 100 years or so? Biologically speaking, men have evolved to lead, and women have evolved to use the protection of men to survive. This is not just on a physical level but a physiological level as well. Men have had thousands of years of experience evolving these skills, and these traits have been selected for via evolution. Women have not been in positions of leadership long enough to even begin to start catching up with this evolution in males.
Now I am not arguing that men are automatically better leaders, but it seems that they are ABLE to be better leaders in general, and have given into the trappings of corruption like any human being in a position of leadership has lately. This is the dirty little secret feminists would like to keep under wraps at all costs, and why they will lose their minds over any biological or evolutionary comparison between men and women. They understand that women on an INDIVIDUAL level require a state of symbiosis or at least parasitism on men in order to survive, and the discussion of this fact destroys their whole feminist narrative of women being exactly equal to men. Women should be TREATED equally, actual equality between any two humans is nothing more than a myth. If it were true there would be no individuals and we would all be the same, and clearly this is not the case. This is why collectivists are waging a constant battle against those who are "privileged" enough to have more intelligence, skills, wealth, etc than others so they can force them to regress to the mean, thereby elevating their own positions in comparison. This is also why women in general tend to lean toward collectivism, because they require the state to take from the individualists who have done better in order to increase their own standard of living via theft from those individuals.