You're right, but only up to a point where fiat currency becomes worthless that nobody cares about it any more. This takes a few years usually when one country is involved. How long it'll take when the whole world is printing like crazy, who knows, but it'll be epic, especially since now the reserve currency (USD) is suffering from this disease. Hopefully by then cryptos have become an established alternative to save in. There'll be few sellers then who will be accepting fiat for their cabbage or potatoes, and each day they'll want more of that fiat. Not all of them will accept cryptos either, by the way.
History shows that debt problem is almost always solved through printing of fiat on a massive scale or, sometimes, with defaulting on debt obligations, both solutions are fatal for fiat. That's when you won't buy any cabbage for fiat. It'll be a slow and gradual process to that point though, enough time to re-group and re-adjust saving and spending habits.
There is a great novel - The Black Obelisk, that gives a picture of what can be expected when hyperinflation hits. Fascinating read, doesn't matter it's an account of an almost a century ago past events, it shows how money dies, day by day, when potatoes or cigarettes are a better currency than fiat paper.