
Topic: Why did you miss Bitcoin? - page 10. (Read 1116 times)

jr. member
Activity: 48
Merit: 10
August 21, 2021, 02:31:00 AM
 If you give me another chance, I will say to Bitcoin, I will hold your hand and never let go, and walk with you to one million dollars.

  A few methods that I think are important to be able to hold Bitcoin:

  • 1. Spend enough time to understand the technology of Bitcoin and make yourself firm enough to hold Bitcoin. The main reason for not holding it is because of lack of confidence and lack of cognition, which will cause the mentality to collapse.
  • 2. What can Bitcoin bring to the current financial mechanism? What can it bring to mankind? Whether his development is irreversible.
  • 3. If you take out the funds that will not affect your life even if you return to zero, you will firmly hold the funds. There is no absolute thing. If Bitcoin does not exist, you can continue to live.
Activity: 84
Merit: 18
August 21, 2021, 12:01:01 AM
In recent years, more and more people have started to talk about Bitcoin with me, and the most common words are:

1. I started paying attention to it many years ago, but unfortunately I didn't buy it.
2. I bought it before, but it was a pity that I got off too early.
3. I should have listened to you at that time, buy some.

In fact, just one sentence: missed it.
Why didn't most people expect Bitcoin to be as brilliant as it is today?
In my opinion, the key reasons that make you miss the Bitcoin opportunity are actually the following aspects:

1.Whether the information is unobstructed.
This one determines your vision and insight.
In fact, most of the channels for people to obtain information are from the circle of friends, and a few are from themselves and have excellent qualities that love tossing.
The level of your circle of friends can determine the quality of the information you get.
If no one tells you, or if you happen to pay attention to cutting-edge technology, it is impossible for you to hear about Bitcoin. You can't search for relevant information on search engines, after all, you can't search for something you don't know at all.

2. Resolution
The more information, the stronger the resolution needed.
It may be better if it is a field that you have always understood, but if it is a field that you did not know before, can you distinguish it correctly?

3. Whether the investment capital is idle?
If the money you invest is from a loan, you will check your account balance every day. Short-term fluctuations will make you not hold it for long. Only after you invest and forget the existence of the money can you hold it for a long time.

4. Mindset and boldness.
No matter what the investment is, it is normal to have ups and downs, ups and downs.
Buffett said that he is fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.
The question is when everyone is afraid, do you really have this mentality to stick to your own opinions? Does the conclusion you insist on must be correct? For example, when Bitcoin crashes 80% for the first time, can you be indifferent, and will double up after being determined, instead of thinking that this is just a scame, and now it’s crashing?

If time goes back 10 years and give you another chance, will you really take out your real money and buy it when Bitcoin is still considered air?
If you are given another chance, will you really insist on not selling after you have made several times the income and hold it till today?
If you were to give you another chance, would you really listen to my advice and allocate a bit of Bitcoin as an asset?
No, you still won’t. After all, I'm not an expert, because you don't believe that the future of Bitcoin will exist like a sea of ​​stars.
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