You misunderstand with your video. God authorizes everything...
I never thought you would agree that God 'authorizes' babies to be born with HIV or with open spines.
Nice plan, LOL.
How you make sense of all of this is beyond me.
BTW, why is your God a sadistic killer?
Did you notice how you scrapped most of what I said in the post that you quoted? Then you turned what I said into something I didn't say.
God is almighty. God is love. In love God made everything. In almightiness God controls everything. God controls it for good.
In love God set things up so that people could control aspects of His almighty strength so that people could have greatness similar in ways to God's. When people do wrong, they are simply using God's power for things that God didn't want to happen, and really, never even imagined.
God is a wonderful maker of life. He made life the first time, and when people bring about death in the way that they use God's power, God will save the memory of all things for the resurrection.
Pain and death, though they seem terrifying and destructive, are vain. They will all be destroyed in death and the coming destruction. They will never be remembered or brought to mind again. The resurrection is all that counts.
If you continue in your mindset against God, if you do not change before you die, you will never be able to change. In the resurrection, God will give you what you asked for... to be away from God and good. You will be destroyed along with this universe. Your choice, a gift from God, that you are able to choose.