This is really the crux of it all. Presenting a consistent model that provides a means of resolving said paradoxes automatically grants the model explanatory precedence. Consequently, what thus determines a given, consistent model to be superior to another is generality. By identifying a limit of theorization and evoking categorical relationships between the limit itself and reality, the result is a consistent model of reality at the epitome of generality, precluding the existence of a consistent model more general than itself. In other words, it is the best we can ever do, and all that remains is to use such a model as a context within which to frame all sub-theories/models, resolving the paradoxes contained therein and providing us with objective insight which may give us clues as to how we can gain additional, practical utility from them (and perhaps even objectifying practical utility itself, giving us a concrete path to follow with regards to ethics and other considerations).
Let's not shoot the messenger... Plain English would be a superb example where it's possible to construct nonsensical statements, but that doesn't render the entire language useless and we continue to use it. Returning to your "absolute truth" argument,
I later pointed out that in some cases it could result in the Liar Paradox, for which you quoted Langan about metalanguages:
Except, rereading, it seems to make more sense to think of metalanguage in computing terms. We can think of a statement as a series of instructions for running a program. Rather than a noun, the metalanguage would be an action: a reasoning process by which we somehow evaluate statements. Except that that still doesn't explain what we do when we run them. Or how we somehow seem able to overcome the limitations of computers.
1) I really don't understand the "let's not shoot the messenger comment." I'm guessing it's non-essential, though I don't know who I shot lol.
2) I agree that we can make sensical and non-sensical statements with plain English, and that the non-sensical statements do not render English inoperable or useless. The syntax and rules of operation for English determine what is sensical and what isn't. Statements are relayed back to the syntax and processed according thereto to determine if it is meaningful in a way consistent with it. Thus, at the syntactic level there is indeed a "reasoning" process by which statements are evaluated, but the syntax itself is structural, i.e. it imposes constraints upon what can be considered meaningful.
3) Yes, I recall your mention of the Liar's paradox.
4) If you run software with code that does not conform to the syntax of its programming language, it will be evaluated as an invalid input. If valid, how those statements are expressed is a product of both their relation to their governing syntax, and also in relation to other object-level statements governed by the same syntax that may affect them (e.g. if-then or "conditional" statements). I'm not sure if I fully responded to what you were saying, here. I'm at lunch on an iPhone.
Edit: Linking this to subjectivity and objectivity, consider a governing syntax of Reality in total as it relates to its internal components. As we perceive real content and subsequently process and model that content, we can either model that content in a way that is consistent with the syntax of Reality in total, or in a way that is inconsistent. Because the structural syntax of Reality in total necessarily distributes to all of its content, if our model is consistent, then it is objectively valid, else we have an inconsistent, invalid model that provides us with no objective value. In this way, we can consider this process in terms of a fundamental utility function, where utility is defined upon consistency and congruency with Universal syntax.
Now, as you previously pointed out to some extent, real content isn't static, and this is because it is expressed through conditional changes according to the unconditional syntax of Reality. This implies that Reality's syntax embodies rules for self-configuration via relational feedback between syntax and content, essentially a mechanism of self-evolution. It is no different for us in an isomorphic sense. We, too, embody this same mechanism for self-configuration, and this self-configuration can be defined in terms of the utility it generates. If we self-configure in a way that is consistent with our own structural syntax, then bueno. Else, no bueno. I think this can serve as an objective basis for concepts like "good" and "bad," lending itself as a means of objective ethical mapping.
Edit 2: This may be getting a little bit ahead of ourselves, but consider for the sake of argument that what I have said so far in this post is true. Relating to the computer analogy in which code that does not conform to the syntax of its program language would be considered invalid and thus incapable of being expressed, what would happen then if we do not conform to the syntax of Reality? Might we, too, be deemed "invalid" and incapable of being expressed? If so, might this be the basis of seemingly-religious concepts such as Heaven (i.e. something akin to "living with God forever, or in congruence with him), and Hell (i.e. being incongruent with God, and potentially facing interdiction from the system)?